Penguins can't fly. Of course they can't. Can they?A wayward penguin is found by the side of the road and convinces his rescuer he crashed while flying. The unusual pair tries all sorts of methods to return the penguin to the sky (all remarkably unsuccessful) until the day when the penguin finally rediscovers the secret of flight - within himself. This charming, simple, and understated parable is ideal for children starting school, graduates, job-seekers, newlyweds, and anyone else who's learning to fly in unfamiliar skies.
Steph Davis is a superstar in the climbing community and has ascended some of the world’s most challenging and awe-inspiring peaks.
Jason is an outsider.
Utilizing the image of the trapeze as a symbol for growth and transformation, the author of Fire in the Belly describes his own experiences in a trapeze training program and its use in helping individuals who need to confront fear and ...
In the aftermath of a terrible chain-reaction car accident, Free Meeker--the daughter of aging hippies--finds herself in possession of bag filled with almost a million dollars. 10,000 first printing.
For hundreds of years people have wanted to fly. Countless tried and failed, but now flying is very common. Read and find out about the many obstacles that have been overcome so planes and people can soar through the sky.
Learning to Fly /Flying by Wire
Jacqueline Woodson and Rafael López's highly anticipated companion to their #1 New York Times bestseller The Day You Begin illuminates the power in each of us to face challenges with confidence.
The Joy of Learning to Fly
The Girl Who Learns to Fly
If you are looking for a fast and fun read, this book is it! A lyrical, feel-good bedtime story that leaves the audience with happy thoughts before the lights go out. (Children ages 1-7)