Green energy promises an alluring future---more jobs in a cleaner environment. We will enjoy a new economy driven by clean electricity, less pollution, and, of course, the gratitude of generations to come. There's just one problem: the lack of credible evidence that any of that can occur. The False Promise of Green Energy critically and realistically evaluates the claims of green-energy and green-jobs proponents who argue that we can improve the economy and the environment, almost risk-free, by spending hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars in return for false or highly speculative promises. The book examines the claims green-energy proponents make, including assertions of how green energy will revitalize the job market, produce new forms of clean transportation, and improve environmental health and safety, energy efficiency, and more. The authors explore the underlying politics and gamesmanship lurking below the surface. Proponents of green energy are a large, vocal alliance of special interests---corporations, politicians, and environmentalists---who have found common cause in demanding huge taxpayer subsidies for an assortment of programs under the rubric "green jobs." As detailed in this compelling book, the ultimate agenda---and its impact if implemented---is far larger and more insidious than acknowledged. Green-energy mobilization calls for restructuring the world's economy and social organization on the basis of myths about forecasting, technologies, and economics. The False Promise of Green Energy illustrates the irresponsibility of attempting to transform modern society with borrowed money, wishful thinking, and bad economics. It shows how the top-down control programs offered by green-energy and green-jobs advocates are unlikely to achieve positive results compared with allowing competitive forces to continue to provide ever greater environmental quality and energy efficiencies.
Half compendium of lost opportunities, half hopeful look toward the future, Powering the Dream tells the stories of the brilliant, often irascible inventors who foresaw our current problems, tried to invent cheap and energy renewable ...
This story is illustrated through the lives of several individuals and their families from the 19th century to the present day. Includes supplementary materials about the issue of modern agriculture.
The promise of "green jobs" and a "clean energy future" has roused the masses. But as Robert Bryce makes clear in this provocative book, that vision needs a major re-vision.
These trends were spelled out during a presentation to the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh on September 15, 2004, by John Constable, an official from Exxon Mobil. After discussing the company's projections of global population ...
This farsighted book offers a new, holistic way of thinking about energy and water—a big picture approach that reveals the interdependence of the two resources, identifies the seriousness of the challenges, and lays out an optimistic ...
The promise of ''green jobs'' and a ''clean energy future'' has roused the masses. But as Robert Bryce makes clear in this provocative book, that vision needs a major re-vision.
As an iconic work, the book has often been shielded from critical inquiry, but this landmark anniversary provides an excellent opportunity to reassess its legacy and influence.
This water is taken shortly off its course through the penstock and then the water is returned to the river further downstream (Campbell, 2010). In 2006, the Idaho National Laboratory assessed 100,000 sites, throughout the United States ...
Ronald Stein and Todd Royal, two seasoned veterans of the energy industry, explore the implications of a world reliant on intermittent green electricity in this book.
Todd Williams, “Billion Dollar Petra Nova Coal Carbon Capture Project a Financial Success But Unclear If It Can Be ... 2018, pcc-s pecia l-report-o n-global-w armin g-of- ...