Poker is a game of table position, flop texture, players in a hand, personalities, and so much more. This book teaches you how to identify and analyze those variables, become a great strategist, and have confidence in any poker situation. Decide to Play Great Poker is written by Annie Duke, the world's most renowned woman poker player, with John Vorhaus, himself a winning poker player and prolific author.
ting an inside straight — they're only doing half the job . Killer Poker gives you something somewhat more crucial than numbers : attitude , the psychological weaponry you need to put those numbers to devastating use . Do you doubt it ?
Their detailed analysis of when to change your strategy due to fluctuating chip counts, the flow of the match, and dynamic maneuvers make this book the bible of heads-up play.
The top-ranked female poker player in the world reveals an insider's view of the World Series of Poker. Annie Lederer grew up in a card-playing family, whose dual mantra was "Education is everything" and "win at all costs.
Many confusing concepts such as overbetting, balancing multiple bet-sizing ranges, donk betting, and check-raising as the preflop raiser are crucial to a player's strategy, despite few players implementing them or talking about them. . ...
For anyone from raw beginner to the advanced player, this book shows how to develop a dynamic poker playing style that can be adapted to varying table conditions. Photos.
Murray, Bridget. “What Makes Mental Time Travel Possible?” APA Monitor on Psychology 34, no. 9 (October 2003): 62. Myerson, Roger. Game Theory: Analysis of Conflict. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1991.
What if there was a better way? In How to Decide, bestselling author Annie Duke and former professional poker player lays out a series of tools anyone can use to make better decisions.
One of the ten greatest books written on poker, this must-have book should be in every player's library.
David Apostolico successfully used classic strategic texts to improve his readers' poker skills in Tournament Poker And The Art Of War.
... top pair (a play many regulars do not care for) often have these sorts of numbers. If however you see a diminished fold to continuation bet, say 50% or lower, and then a checkraise of 20 ... dare you bet so small and think I will fold!?” It's ...