In recent years the model of sport media communication has changed drastically, and it continues to evolve seemingly daily. The bywords of media communication are interconnectivity, interactivity, and mobility. This 4th Edition provides readers information on the current trends and emerging areas in the field of sport communication from technology to social media to how the global outreach of sport has affected the sports media profession. While the fourth edition rightly goes into emerging areas of the field, it also retains the focus of the first three editions, specifically on the basics and principles of sports media that remain its foundations. Any student interested in a career in sports media has to know certain essentials -- how to interview, how to effectively create and distribute content, and how to deal with communications problems that will invariably arise. All of these subjects and more are addressed, as are more specialised topics such as those dealing with event management, publicity campaigns, and ethics.
Brotherly love: Shaquem and Shaquill Griffin's pact. 60 Minutes Overtime. Fetters, A. (2013, March 26). People talk about Brittney ...
"Sports Communication: Dimensions, Theory, Applications, and Culture examines the interdependent relationships between sport and communication that affect culture, economics, politics, team performance, educational systems, and social ...
Updated for this edition, Sport Communication at Work sidebars feature industry experts applying chapter content, and Profile of a Sport Communicator sidebars highlight professional opportunities.
This is the first textbook to introduce the fundamental principles and practice of sport communication from an international perspective.
This book chronicles social media's rapid rise in vecoming a powerful player in the sports industry and drews upon relevant examples involving athletes and sprots organizations to demonstrate both the positive and problematic consequences ...
Social Media and Sports provides a holistic view of the impact of social media on sports communication, teaching conceptual understanding and creative skills for social media strategy, content creation, and execution.
45 Strategic influence and sport communication leaders -- 46 Communication and sports officials -- 47 Rapidly advancing technology and policy choices: Transforming the economic landscape of the sport media -- 48 College athletics ...
Cover -- Half Title -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Table of Contents -- List of Figures -- List of Tables -- Notes on contributors -- Section 1 The sport management environment -- 1 The new sport management environment -- 2 The impact ...
Combining theory with practical application, this collection of real-life, provocative case studies on social issues in sports provides students with the opportunity to make the call on ethical and professional dilemmas faced by a variety ...
Social Media in Sport Communication