A look at the advantages and disadvantages of Earth's renewable and nonrenewable resources.
"This second edition maintains the book's basis on fundamentals, whilst including experience gained from the rapid growth of renewable energy technologies as secure national resources and for climate change mitigation, more extensively ...
Focuses on Earth energy resources, such as renewable power from water, ocean energy, solar energy, wind energy, and biofuels, as well as non-renewable sources.
This book reviews alternative and renewable energy resources in order to pave the way for a more sustainable production in the future.
http://www.nap.edu/catalog/6297.html The National Academy of Sciences is a private, nonprofit, self-perpetuating society of distinguished scholars engaged in scientific and engineering research, dedicated to the furtherance of science ...
This book deals with the physics and chemistry of all kinds of energy resources - coal, gas, oil, hydropower, and nuclear.
SCIENCE AT WORK Diversity Delivers Reprinted by permission of Sue Coakley . " It's all a matter of training . " says Sue Coakley . She knows women can have a career in any field they're interested in , as long as they get the knowledge ...
The Energy Resources of the United States: A Field for Reconstruction
This book provides the fundamentals behind all energy conversion processes, identifies future research needs, and discusses the potential application of each process in a clear-and-concise manner.
The main thrust of this book -World Energy Resources - is based on princi ples of energy science, applied geology, geophysics, and other environmental sciences as they relate to the exploration, exploitation, and production of resources in ...
The book gives students at the graduate level, as well as researchers and power engineering professionals, an understanding of the key issues necessary for the development of such strategies.