For many years, the authors have been cotravelers on the journey to help educators improve their schools. As Dr. DuFour has focused on bringing the professional learning community process to life in schools, he has relied heavily on Dr. Marzano's vast research on effective teaching and effective leadership. Both have come to the conclusion that the best environment for great teaching and leading is a powerful PLC. In their first coauthored book, Dr. DuFour and Dr. Marzano have combined their passions to articulate how effective leaders foster continuous improvement at the district, school, and classroom levels. The book focuses on district leadership, principal leadership, and team leadership, and addresses how individual teachers can be most effective in leading students—by learning with colleagues how to implement the most promising pedagogy in their classrooms. The authors argue that no single person has all the knowledge, skills, and talent to lead a district, improve a school, or meet all the needs of every child in his or her classroom. Instead, it will take a collaborative effort and widely dispersed leadership to meet the challenges confronting schools.
In this revised edition, Carl Glickman and coauthor Rebecca West Burns synthesize their decades of experience in teacher education and supervision into a comprehensive guide to supporting teacher growth and student learning.
This book offers teachers and leaders a clear, detailed blueprint for implementing Student-Engaged Assessment, including a wealth of videos that demonstrate core practices in action.
Through the stories of teacher leaders and administrators in several leadership development programs, the book depicts the evolution of understanding, skill, and self-confidence.
This book will launch the message onto a much larger platform. Stephen R. Covey takes the 7 Habits, that have already changed the lives of millions of people, and shows how children can use them as they develop.
Praise for Leading for Instructional Improvement "This book offers insights that are invaluable to educators who seek to enhance teacher effectiveness now.
For instance, Hattie and Donoghue (2016) illustrate that the impact specific learning strategies have on student learning is related to the level of complexity students are working toward (Figure 1.1). For instance, exploring errors and ...
Supporting gender diversity in early childhood classrooms: A practical guide. Kingsley Press. Paus, T., Collins, D. L., Evans, A. C., Leonard, G., Pike, B., & Zijdenbos, A. (2001). Maturation of white matter in the human brain: A review ...
Powell, A. G., Farrar, E., & Cohen, D. K. (1985). The shopping mall high school: Winners and losers in the educational marketplace. Boston, MA: Houston Mifflin. Powell, D. R. (1991). How schools support families: Critical policy ...
This book draws on this key and developing notion of 'distributed leadership' and focuses on the relationship between leadership and learning in educational settings.
How do leaders set themselves up for success? This book explores the real-life experiences of a wide variety of leaders from different industries, sectors, and countries to bring to light new lessons on the importance of life-long learning.