In the midnineties, New York’s Lower East Side contained a city within its shadows: a community of squatters who staked their claims on abandoned tenements and lived and worked within their own parameters, accountable to no one but each other. With gritty prose and vivid descriptions, Cari Luna’s debut novel, The Revolution of Every Day, imagines the lives of five squatters from that time. But almost more threatening than the city lawyers and the private developers trying to evict them are the rifts within their community. Amelia, taken in by Gerrit as a teen runaway seven years earlier, is now pregnant by his best friend, Steve. Anne, married to Steve, is questioning her commitment to the squatter lifestyle. Cat, a fading legend of the downtown scene and unwitting leader of one of the squats, succumbs to heroin. The misunderstandings and assumptions, the secrets and the dissolution of the hope that originally bound these five threaten to destroy their homes as surely as the city’s battering rams. The Revolution of Every Day shows readers a life that few people, including the New Yorkers who passed the squats every day, know about or understand.
Finally, back in print again, the essential handbook for all of us still alienated by modern capitalism. Together with Debord, Vaneigem was the main theorist of Situationist ideas. He has the added benefit of being eminently more readable!
Mona Rosendahl draws on eighteen months of fieldwork, in a municipality she calls by the fictional name Palmera, to present a vivid account of the lives and thoughts of residents, many of whom have lived inside the revolution for more than ...
In Everyday Life in the North Korean Revolution, 1945–1950, Kim examines the revolutionary events that shaped people’s lives in the development of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
How Soviet citizens in the 1920s and 1930s internalized Soviet ways of looking at the world and living their everyday lives.
Forthcoming Summer of Discontent , Seasons of upheaval : Elite Politics and Rural Insurgency in Yucatán , 1876–1915 . Jrade , Ramón . 1985. " Inquiries into the Cristero Insurrection Against the Mexican Revolution .
Sharing stories of conflict and revolution alongside in-depth interviews, the book sheds new light on this critical historical moment.
Daily Life During the French Revolution
Ina Zharkevich. 1. Thabang. From. Remote. Village. to. Revolutionary. Myth. One might ask how helpful a study in a distinct village is for understanding the People's War in Nepal and social processes at war more generally. Well, Thabang is ...
"In this clearly written volume, Hawke provides enlightening and colorful descriptions of early Colonial Americans and debunks many widely held assumptions about 17th century settlers."--Publishers Weekly
Seamlessly blending field research, on-the-ground interviews, and social theory, Asef Bayat shows how the practice of everyday life in Egypt and Tunisia was fundamentally altered by revolutionary activity.