This much anticipated second installment in the After The Fall post apocalyptic adventure series follows Hunter and Elise as they travel to the Pacific Northwest to join Anna Planchet and Anna's partner, Skye Ravencloud, a Native American shaman from old B.C., Canada. Soon after their arrival, Elise, Anna and Skye's twin sisters vanish, kidnapped by slavers and bound for the secret auction block at the Gathering-a vast, regional marketplace on the coast where anything is available for the right price. When Elise manages to escape, she sets off a desperate race against time as Hunter and Skye move swiftly to track down the slavers and rescue the captives before they disappear forever into the murky underworld of the post-war slave trade. Dripping with adventure and tempered with intrigue, this epic good-against-evil nail biter skillfully twists and turns as master storyteller John Phillip Backus weaves another rich narrative tapestry, peopled with cutthroat pirates, powerful warlords, religious fanatics and secret societies, each with designs of their own in a future world that becomes more probable with every passing tick of the clock. Journey with our heroes as they apply their wits, courage, and martial skills to decipher the slavers' cryptic trail and unravel the mystery to its surprise conclusion. Along their challenge-strewn way, diverse groups converge and secret alliances unite in a complex matrix where people are not always who they seem and, ultimately, all roads lead to the Gathering.
Join author Robert Johnston as he cuts through the confusion and provides practical, simple answers to common questions. [ What must take place in our world before Jesus' return? [ When will the Antichrist appear on the world stage? [ What ...
Die purpurne Wolke: ein klassischer Science-Fiction-Roman
The Last Man, Volume 3. Indiana: Repressed Publishing LLC, 2012. Original Publishing: Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft. The Last Man, Volume 3. London: Henry Colburn, 1826. Subject: Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft, 1797-1851
Now that the race of man had lost in fact all distinction of rank, this pride was doubly fatuitous; now that we felt a kindred, fraternal nature with all who bore the stamp of humanity, this angry reminiscence of times for ever gone, ...
Likewise , George Bullard , Detroit News higher education writer , tells about a computer he saw at Michigan State University . He reports : “ It has a heavy accent and lisps slightly , but speaks . ” Scientists and engineers saw and ...
In volume one of his epic post-apocalyptic adventure saga, master storyteller John Phillip Backus brings this not-so-distant vision of the future to life with intriguing characters, gifted narrative, believable settings and mythic heroes ...
The book received the coveted starred review from Kirkus Reviews, who called it "impressively original" and a "tour de force."
The camera wasn't moving, and neither was the foot. ... She opened the front door and raced down the sidewalk toward Mr. Phillips. ... “Mr. Phillips? Are you okay? What's happening?” She was struggling not to cry. He didn't respond.
Shaping Up for the Showdown Dwight K. Nelson. Dwight K. Nelson is the senior pastor of the Pioneer Memorial Church of Seventh - day Adventists on the campus of Andrews ... He is married to Karen Oswald Nelson-a registered nurse .
Five hundred years from now, rival groups battle for the contents of a vault containing remnants of 20th century civilization which could guide their society out of its primitive state.