This textbook teaches the principles of genealogical documentation. There are exercises at the end of each chapter with answers at the back of the book.
Student Guidebook to Resources and Citation
Harlow : Pearson education . APA : AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION ( 2005 ) . Concise rules of APA style . Washington , DC : American Psychological Association . FRENCH , D. ( 1996 ) . How to cite legal authorities .
Laurie G. Kirszner, Stephen R. Mandell. APA FORMAT The American Psychological Association is a professional ... A recent study ( Hornaday & Bunker , 1985 ) .... When a work has more than two but fewer than six authors , cite the names ...
Die tragischen Ursprünge der deutschen Fussnote
Le texte persuade, les notes prouvent. Telle est, pour la tradition, la double dimension de l'écriture de l'histoire. Mais qui donc a inventé la note en bas de page ?...
A key objective of this work was to understand how the various types of researcher ID schemes can be leveraged to support improved discoverability of research output for individual authors and institutions.
This report focuses on organizational identifiers from the perspective of academic institutions.
This report focuses on organizational identifiers from the perspective of academic institutions.
Harrison, Summerton, and Peters, “Endnote Training for Academic Staff and Students,” 37. t Ibid., 38. Siegler and Simboli, “EndNote at Lehigh.” Puckett, “Zotero [GSU Library guide].” t t t Harrison, Summerton, and Peters, ...
In Royal Style: a Communicating and Researching Manual