"There is little doubt that middle school students are in an often confusing time of quest and discovery, especially issues concerning their bodies, their sexuality, and their future. Specifically designed for 6th through 8th grades, this porgram uses a great mix of stories, real-life examples, activities, prayers, and cultural references that are relevant in the lives of middle school students " - inforamtional page. This starter pack includes the Leader's guide, student work book, parent's guide, DVD set and 2 informational pages.
Young people today need aprogram that helps them understand the significance of their sexuality and the purpose of their lives. Theology of the Body for Teens: Discovering God's PlanFor Love & Life is the program youve been waiting for!
This starter pack includes the Leader's guide, student work book, parent's guide, DVD set and 2 informational pages.
One thing is certain: anyone who reads this book will never look at his/her body, or anybody, in the same way again. In these books, teens will discover: How to live a life that will make them happy and fulfilled.
Explains Pope John Paul II's departure from the traditional Christian viewpoint of the body as a threat to a person's spiritual nature, offering an integrated vision of the body and soul and a new understanding of the divine meaning of ...
Christopher West makes John Paul II's theology of the body available for the first time to people at all levels within the Christian community.
This freshly revised and expanded edition is based on Dr. Michael Waldstein s much improved translation of St. John Paul II s catechesis. New for this edition: All quotations have been updated with the new translation.
An updated, compelling, teen-friendly explanation of Gods plan for life, love, marriage, and sex, in light of St. John Paul IIs Theology of the Body
In Raising Pure Teens, noted chastity speakers Jason Evert and Chris Stefanick incorporate the Church’s wisdom with 10 proven strategies for talking with teens about chastity.
Internationally renowned Biblical scholar Michael Waldstein offers a new critical translation of Pope John Paul II's talks on the Theology of the Body, presenting his magnificent vision of the human...
It was Blessed John Paul II’s greatest gift to the Church: The theology of the body.