Our Family of Cape Horners: The nineteenth century seafarers and their relations
Toppjollen ble gjort klar for å heise den døde sjøleoparden opp på dekket . Jeg ble med en av matrosene ut på isflaket for å hjelpe ham . Men i det samme øyeblikk som vi skulle få festet stroppen , reiste sjøleoparden seg halvveis opp ...
Godspeed , women . want to thank Verna Gwin and Sue Dawson for saving the letters from which the first draft of this book was made . The writing of this book was subsidized , albeit unwillingly , by a settlement from the boat company ...
Captain William Salmon: Mariner of Chepstow : Letters, 1811-1814
Known masters in Dundee fleet: 1903–11 Captain James S. Mutch; 1914 Captain Beavan; 1916 John Murray; 1920 Captain Beavan Known owners in Dundee fleet: Banks and Mitchell In Dundee fleet: 1903 to at least 1908 Best catch: 1903 – 11 ...
Billowing Sails and Mares' Tails
For more than ten years the SHS published an in-house journal. This book documents many of the articles featured in this journal.
'You and Your Ships' is a revealing personal account of the shipping business over the last 50 years. Jim Davis's obsession with ships began at the age of three or four.
The Life and Times of Captain Juba Page Kennerley
Torn in Two: The True Story of the Carl D. Bradley Sinking and the Challenges for Those Left Behind