A perennial bestseller since 1997, this updated tenth edition of Understanding Research Methods provides a detailed overview of all the important concepts traditionally covered in a research methods class. It covers the principles of both qualitative and quantitative research, and how to interpret statistics without computations, so is suitable for all students regardless of their math background. The book is organized so that each concept is treated independently and can be used in any order without resulting in gaps in knowledge-allowing it to be easily and precisely adapted to any course. It uses lively examples on contemporary topics to stimulate students' interest, and engages them by showing the relevance of research methods to their everyday lives. Numerous case studies and end-of-section exercises help students master the material and encourage classroom discussion. The text is divided into short, independent topic sections, making it easy for you to adapt the material to your own teaching needs and customize assignments to the aspect of qualitative or quantitative methods under study-helping to improve students' comprehension and retention of difficult concepts. Additional online PowerPoint slides and test bank questions make this a complete resource for introducing students to research methods.
Prosess og metode: sosiologisk forskning som ferdighet
This new collection, with six volumes organized by themes, provides readers with a representative sample of the best articles in mixed-methods research that have appeared in SAGE journals.
Row(s): Grp columns(s): Q6 > exact: -monte carlo > Statistics: -chi-squared → Output: Fig 8.18 Fig 8.18 gives the calculated value for Pearson's chi-squared, p = 0.038, but it also gives a 99% confidence interval range for the ...
... dept has facilities for radiographic , serological , biochem and biometrical research ; human skeletal material available inc Pearson and Duckworth Collections , over 15,000 specimens from Neolithic to recent date , representative ...
The genesis of this guide started at a meeting between PKSOI and the Department of Distance Education (DDE) at the Army War College (AWC).
Research: Its Place and Purpose
SECTION 2 LISTING OF PROGRAMS BY STATE Science teacher Margaret L. Young , author of a booklet on science program resources in the Kansas City , Missouri area , wrote : “ There are So many resources in our community which could help ...
A brief guide to help students understand difficult terms in their research courses. This pocket guide is in an ideal supplement to the many discipline specific texts on research methods and statistics.
Le quotidien du chercheur: une chasse aux fantômes?
Research Centers Directory: Descriptive listings