Fatal Attractions, edited by Jeff Gelb and Michael Garrett, is the eleventh Hot Blood erotic horror collection -- and according to Cemetery Dance, “one of the best volumes in this long-running series - a top rating.” Like a moth to a flame, Fatal Attraction draws a diverse array of award-winning authors from the horror, mystery and thriller genres (and Hollywood) into its orbit, including Max Alan Collins, P. D. Cacek, Graham Masterton, Edo van Belkom, Nancy Holder, Brian Hodge, David Schow, Mick Garris and Yvonne Navarro. In fact, Fatal Attractions is the most lauded roster of contributors in the rich three-decade history of the Hot Blood series. Be Manhandled. Have an Epiphany. Work the Graveyard Shift. Go on Separate Vacations. Awaken to Moist Dreams. Fatal Attractions is One to Die For, the pinnacle of erotic horror and a must read for fans.
COLLECTING: UNCANNY X-MEN (1981) 298-300, 303-304, 315; X-FACTOR (1986) 92; X-FORCE (1991) 25; X-MEN UNLIMITED (1993) 2; X-MEN (1991) 25
The biggest and best adventures of Marvel's mighty mutants - these are the X-Men Milestones!
WoRD5 As £Awe f* *AID * £HELA." IN6TEAD OF "YOLE -self." I wream" "
He depicts Anne Boleyn as a captivating, intelligent and highly sexual woman whose attractions Henry resisted for years until marriage could ensure legitimacy for their offspring.
FATAL ATTRACTIONS: SERMONS ON THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS Copyright ©1992 by Abingdon Press All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted inanyform or by any means, electronic or mechanical, ...
But what if I had noticed those spots for the first time just when I thought I had also seen a UFO swooping near my car, or after having the experience of being abducted? Would 120 FATAL ATTRACTIONS.
Eds. R. C. Latham and W. Matthews. BerNeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1970. 2. The Diary of Samuel Pepys. Vol. 9. Eds. R. C. Latham and W. Matthews. BerNeley and Los Angeles: U of California P, 1970.
Yet, the postfeminist logic that animates Fatal Attraction suggests otherwise, for the specter of Alex's unplanned pregnancy confirms that, while men can perhaps take unprecedented sexual license, they nevertheless still need to trust ...
When Rose sees Joe in an Oxford bar, for her it is instant infatuation.
Presents an anthology of twenty-five tales of mystery, murder, and suspense, selected from the archives of "Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine"