Imagine that the New York Times tomorrow released some amazing news. A health treatment has been discovered that literally cures most forms of heart disease. But not just that. This treatment has a dramatic impact on most of the diseases Westerners face, including cancer, obesity, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, osteoporosis, Alzheimer's, and many many others. And this treatment is so inexpensive to administer that two-thirds of the medical establishment can be shut down as no longer serving any useful function. It's really too much to believe, isn't it? But there's more. This treatment has miraculous implications for the environment. By applying this treatment, we can eliminate the largest source of global warming, and dramatically reduce the waste that is polluting our water supply. We'll also dramatically improve the health and animal population of our oceans and seas. And there's more. By applying this treatment, we'll dramatically increase the supply of arable land, lowering the cost food and allowing us to feed everyone on this planet. Starvation can become a thing of the past. And one last thing. This treatment also has enormous moral implications, allowing us to eliminate almost all of the pain and suffering we are inflicting on the animals, most of which is hidden away from view, but is morally repulsive to anyone exposed to this suffering. Now what if I told you that we don't have to wait for tomorrow's New York Times, that this treatment has been found, and that the amount of scientific data supporting the claims I just made is overwhelming. The "miracle" treatment is simple. It's eating a whole grain, plant-based diet. Skeptical? I'm not surprised. But by the end of this book you'll be exposed to the overwhelming amount of evidence that supports every claim made above. You'll also get to hear the counterarguments made by skeptics and you'll get to decide for yourself whether these claims are true. It's my hope that by the end of this book you'll be convinced and join our movement. You may just save your life and the planet in the bargain. This revolutionary book is Healthy Eating -- Healthy World: Unleashing the Power of Plant-based Nutrition by J. Morris Hicks, and it is the book that finally tackles all compelling reasons for adopting a plant-based diet -- from the environment to solving the world's hunger crisis. Additionally, T. Colin Campbell, acclaimed author of the bestselling book The China Study, provides a riveting foreword to Healthy Eating -- Healthy World. After reading this book, it'll be nearly impossible to ignore the truth: people were not meant to eat animals or animal products, and the time has come to stop.
In "How To Eat Healthy In An Unhealthy World" you will finally understand the closely guarded secrets the world's healthiest people use to avoid getting fat, getting cancer, high blood pressure and diabetes by using easy-to-implement ...
"People all around the world engage in healthful eating. Learn more about what people from different countries eat to stay healthy, fit, and strong!"--
"Healthy Eating Every Day is a practical, evidence-based program that teaches you how to improve your eating habits in ways that fit your lifestyle.
With this book in hand, you will understand that each of us can take back control of our health, our family’s health, and, to a great degree, the health of this planet—and it can all begin with our next meal.
An all-encompassing guide to transforming the body in a minimum of time demystifies contradictory dietary guidelines while making recommendations for informed shopping, eating and cooking. Original.
Read Along or Enhanced eBook: With a focus on building health and nutrition literacy, this timely title gives readers the tools they need to make healthy food choices for every meal!
By the end of the story, Maxwell decides that his new life isn't the easiest, but it's a life worth living.
This book is the simple, practical guide to what to eat, what not to eat, to look and feel your absolute best in our busy world. In this book you'll discover how easy and enjoyable it is to eat healthy in the 21st century.
Learn about nutrition, health, and what good eating habits are. Carefully leveled text, colorful visual aids, and vibrant photographs teach early readers about food, diet, and forming daily healthy eating habits.
In a world of fast food, supersized sodas, and televised temptations, this guide shows how to buck the obesity trend currently in the national spotlight--and have fun doing it.