Observe...Interpet...Apply People with Bibles don't always know how to use them. They're good at absorbing and repeating material from sermons, commentaries, and blogs, but they miss the fullness and joy that comes from studying the Bible for themselves. The power to change the world is available, but it goes untapped. Though study aids are helpful, imagine if your primary ministry curriculum was Scripture itself. You could study the Bible, teach people how to study it themselves, and expect those folks to lead their own Bible studies with their neighbors, coworkers, and friends. Each year, you'd see an increasing number of men and women wield the sword of the Spirit, piercing hearts and drawing the lost to Jesus. Ordinary people can learn to study the Bible. These people may not have been to seminary. They don't have much free time. But they love Jesus and want to be more like him. They want to know him. Knowable Word offers a foundation on why and how to study the Bible. Using a running study of the first chapter of Genesis, it illustrates how to observe, interpret, and apply the Scripture-and gives the vision behind each step. It also shows how to read each Bible passage in light of salvation history. But besides being just a how-to on Bible study, it fuels the desire to learn and grow through studying the Scriptures. This book will appeal to three kinds of people: 1. Beginners who love God and his Word 2.Mature Christians who want to improve their Bible study skills 3.Leaders who long not only to teach but also to equip Knowable Word offers what each group needs: a sensible Bible study method. By learning to observe, interpret, and apply, ordinary people will grow extraordinarily close to Jesus Christ as they learn to study his knowable Word.
... their teacher to say, “You've passed,” or their parents to say, “I love you.” They want to get a call from their dream job or their dream date. They want to hear good news about their retirement ... his will, or the 86 Taking God At His Word.
There's a surprising glory in leading ordinary people to open their Bibles and discuss how God might use its words to change the world. This book will equip leaders of any experience level to prepare, plan, and lead effective studies.
Whether intentionally or not, people take important verses out of context, and pastor and Bible scholar Eric J. Bargerhuff has seen the effects: confusion, faulty decisions, sin being dismissed, and more.
Come and see the complete trustworthiness of God's word, the Bible
Put it to death. But in the words of Cornelius Plantinga Jr., “sin has a thousand faces.” It is one thing to oppose sin in principle, quite another to actually do the bloody work of crucifying specific sin patterns in our lives.
... words , they become meaningless . If Kumārila's objection asserts that the word ' knowable ' , on the Buddhist theory , cannot be meaningful by itself because it has no contrary to be differentiated from , then it is pointless . In ...
This book is a must-read for those who hunger for God and want to learn how to discipline their minds and trade their thoughts . . . for His.
This is a new collection of Reformed thinkers writings, from the Reformation to today, on the inerrancy of Scripture. To these texts contemporary scholars add commentary reflecting the stance of Westminster Theological Seminary.
The author offers a sensitive, loving tribute to reading, arguing that his favorite books have created his identity, from The Wind in the Willows to the Narnia Chronicles and The Little House on the Prairie. Reprint. 15,000 first printing.
By following its easy-to-apply principles, you'll soon find yourself drawing great nourishment from the Word—and enjoying the process! The Living by the Book Workbook is the perfect compliment to provide practical application of lessons.