SeeMoreBuds, author of Marijuana Buds for Less (Quick American, 2008 - also available from Turnaround) is back! His new book shows indoor gardeners how to pump up the volume of their crop and their buds. Features an easy-to-follow, day-by-day guide for growing a bigger, more potent crop in a smaller space with a small financial investment and includes an additional 20 pages of information showing how to increase yield with carbon dioxide.
Legalization of cannabis production, sale, and use in Canada on October 17, 2018 serves as the context for the implementation of the largest wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE) pilot test conducted to date in North America (covering 8.4 ...
La légalisation de la production, de la vente et de la consommation de cannabis le 17 octobre 2018 sert de contexte à la mise en œuvre du plus gros test pilote en épidémiologie basée sur les eaux usées en Amérique du Nord (couvrant ...
This study examined the prevalence of driving under the influence of cannabis (DUIC), and DUIC and alcohol together, in an area of Australia with a high number of young cannabis users.
± Ces dernières années, le gouvernement du Canada s'est préparé à légaliser le cannabis à des fins non médicales, à le réglementer et à y restreindre l'accès.
The story of five police officers who unwittingly caught up in a vicious battle between opposing cadres in the W.A. Police Service, were wrongfully accused and three convicted of crimes that did not exist.
... Irmgard: Begutachtung der Fahrtüchtigkeit unter Cannabis im Straßenverkehr, in: ́Cannabis im Straßenverkehr`, S. 181-204, Berghaus, Günter; Krüger, Hans-Peter (Hrsg.), Stuttgart Jena Lübeck Ulm 1998 De Ruyver, Brice; Vermeulen, ...
Joint Tenancies remains the only work inviting careful thought about the commercial landlord's riskand reward scenarios in leasing to marijuana businesses.
To understand how we got here and how the legal cannabis industry might become more environmentally sustainable, Grass Roots looks at the history of marijuana growing in the American West, from early Mexican American growers on sugar beet ...
What's the Deal on Grass?: Cannabis facts for parents
What's the Deal on Grass?: Talking with a young person about cannabis