This treasury of stories, songs, verses, and games is intended for use in the kindergarten circle time as well as the eurythmy lesson, to bring the joy and healing power of movement to life. Estelle Bryer shares the insights of 43 years as a eurythmist and Waldorf kindergarten teacher: the development of the child, the importance of movement and gesture, and suggestions on discipline, music and structuring a lesson. Whether done with eurythmy gestures or with richly imaginative descriptive gestures, the many sample lessons provide plenty of opportunities in these stories and verses for clapping, stamping; walking on tip-toe, walking on heels; skipping, hopping; and finger-play, as well as contrasts between loud and soft, vigorous and quiet, contraction and expansion, tension and relaxation.Formerly available as Eurythmy for the Young Child, this new edition has been been thoroughly revised and corrected, and the music newly edited by Sally Schweizer.
Movement of the Young Child, Ages Two to Six
Grade level: 1, k, p, t.
Eurythmy for the Young Child: A Guide for Teachers and Parents
The author, the daughter of Andrew Young, describes the participation of Martin Luther King, Jr., along with her father and others, in the civil rights movement and in the historic march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama, in 1965.
This book provides researcher and students with a sound theoretical framework for re-conceptualising significant aspects of movement and experimentation in early childhood.
Each volume contains hundreds of age-appropriate activities to build young children's competence and confidence as they develop and improve their motor skills abilities. The series is especially recommended for children...
This text presents a comprehensive and up-to-date survey of professional research while continuing to provide links between theory and practice.
Profiling 24 of the adult children of the most recognizable figures in the civil rights movement, this book collects the intimate, moving stories of families who were pulled apart by the horrors of the struggle or brought together by their ...
This new edition presents music and movement education curricula for both preservice and inservice teachers. The best-selling core music and movement text provides a comprehensive and up-to-date survey of professional...
Motor Development and Movement Experiences for Young Children (3-7)