Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards in Russia presents issues peculiar to the Russian legal system and legal culture generally. The culmination of perhaps years of arbitration, enforcement of arbitral awards is a crucial element of arbitration and a subject best not taken lightly or left to the last minute. The Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards in Russia parses the judgments of Russian courts, with a particular focus on the decision-making processes of Russian judges as reflected in their judgments. The Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards in Russia addresses several questions, such as: • Which Russian courts enforce awards and what are they like? • What laws, treaties, and rules apply? • How do the courts reach their decisions? • Do those courts sometimes reach anomalous conclusions? • What should an applicant for enforcement watch out for? • What are the common pitfalls? With the help of Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards in Russia non-Russian readers will be able to ask intelligent questions, earlier rather than later, of the local counsel who will be making an application for enforcement in the Russian courts.
Because this book makes arbitration law and procedure in Russia and the former USSR states accessible for the first time in English - thus assisting evaluation of prospects of enforcing foreign arbitral awards in that part of the world - it ...
2013), p. 429. 38 See, Court decisions of the USA and France: US No. 230, Chromalloy Aeroservices Inc. v. ... 942339 (JLG), July 31, 1996, Yearbook Commercial Arbitration. 1997. Vol. XXII. pp. 1007-1012; France No.
Judgments often will not be enforced abroad, and this is especially true with respect to the enforcement of foreign judgments in the BRIC countries.
Arbitration of disputes involving Russian entities has increased significantly since the breakup of the Soviet Union. Kaj Hober, with his expertise in Russian & Swedish arbitration & legal systems, guides...
This book examines how the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, commonly known as The New York Convention, has been understood and applied in [insert number] jurisdictions, including virtually all that ...
Russia has undertaken international obligations in this respect through signature and ratification of the 1958 New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards. Russia's membership in the Council of ...
The Guide to Challenging and Enforcing Arbitration Awards
§12.05 RECOGNITION AND ENFORCEMENT OF FOREIGN ARBITRAL AWARDS The recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards in Russia are regulated by Chapter 31 of the Commercial Procedure Code 'Proceedings in Cases on Recognition and ...
However, the enforceability of arbitral awards in Russia is problematic for foreign investors. Although a former president of the Supreme Commercial Court has claimed that awards are rarely refused enforcement,46 it can be ...
This collective work captures the development of ICA from different perspectives and uniquely brings together the ideas, suggestions and perspectives of in-house counsel as the most important users of ICA, along with outside counsel, ...