Have you ever tried to wrap your head around quantum physics? Have you ever tried to comprehend concepts of time and space that have been popularized by the promoters of the ”new physics” and various eastern teachers? If you have, chances are either that your eyes glazed over or you felt as if your head might explode at any moment. Here for the first time, the concepts that have been propounded by the great thinkers and teachers of the twentieth century are made accessible in an illustrated guide. More importantly, this material is presented in a way that is non-threatening and fun. Using simple and delightful illustrations throughout, Favour, explores: The paradigm shift that has occurred, whether we are ready or not. How quantum physics and the new technology has challenged our experience of time and space. How the spiritual thought of East and West have melded. The relationship of self to oneness, of form to emptiness.
By the star physicist and author of multiple #1 Sunday Times bestsellers, a major and definitive narrative work on black holes and how they can help us understand the universe.
Black and White is a surprising look into the earth changes now occurring, with implications so shattering, we can only come to imagine what's next.
With these preferred directions present, it cannot be isotropic. recollapse, then it is said to be closed. A flat universe lies at the point of division between the open and closed possibilities. In a flat universe, expansion continues ...
This is the first instalment in a series of books concerning the adventures of a space travelling school girl.
But the author of this book went even further and discovered that these countless Worlds are, in reality, countless planets belonging to other Cosmic Universes located in other Spaces and other Times, on other vibratory planes, in other ...
Discusses recent developments in astronomy and new theories about the universe, emphasizing discoveries about black holes, quasars, and pulsars.
Follows Dr. Alex Fillippenko and his High-Z Supernova Search Team as they use the Keck telescope in Hawaii to look for supernovae, find black holes, and study the effects of dark energy.
" Instead, Isham said, Alexander should start listening to his dreams. This is only the first of the many lessons in Fear of a Black Universe.
Continuing with this procedure , we find that curvature makes our surface close onto itself and form a closed sphere . ... The surface has closed in . ... We thus do not know whether our Universe is open or closed .
This book is a product of the recent explosion of scientific activity centering on these objects. This self-contained work is a rigorous, yet understandable, references on the latest theoretical and observational developments.