Greg Noonan’s classic treatise on brewing lagers, New Brewing Lager Beer, offers a thorough yet practical education on the theory and techniques required to produce high-quality beers using all-grain methods either at home or in a small commercial brewery. This advanced all-grain reference book is recommended for intermediate, advanced and professional small-scale brewers. New Brewing Lager Beers hould be part of every serious brewer’s library.
Brewing Lager Beer: The Most Comprehensive Book for Home and Microbrewers
Lager explores the history, styles, brewing techniques, and allure of the world's most popular type of beer.
I give Steve and Tom’s book an A++!” —Norm Brodsky, Senior Contributing Editor, Inc. magazine “Beer School is a useful and entertaining book. In essence, this is the story of starting a beer business from scratch in New York City.
500 Years of the World's Favourite Beer Mark Dredge. Northampton. 1979. ... “German Immigrants in the United States Brewing Industry (1840–1895).” 1 Feb 2017. ... Brew Britannia: The Strange Rebirth of British Beer. Aurum Press. London.
Brewing Better Beer is a comprehensive look at technical, practical and creative homebrewing advice from Gordon Strong, three-time winner of the coveted National Homebrew Competition Ninkasi Award.
Author Stan Hieronymus visits the ancestral homes of the world's most interesting styles-Hoegaarden, Kelheim, Leipzig, Berlin and even Portland, Oregon-to sort myth from fact and find out how the beers are made today.
... Medium Spicy/Moss/Red Apple CHINOOK (U.S.) High Pine/Black Pepper/Grapefruit citra (U.S.) High Passion Fruit/Lime/Mango coLUMBus (U.S.) High Orange/Pine/White Flowers EAST KENT GoLDING (U.K.) Low to Medium Dried Flowers/Moss/Plum ...
This book will take you through the main elements that make beer what it is, from malt to hops to water, and introduce you to fantastic brews around the country that highlight the diverse styles and ingredients of the beer world.
Considered the father of all lagers, continental pilsener changed the course of brewing around the world. Noted author and brewer David Miller examines each country's version of pilsener, including ingredients and brewing stages.
Featuring plain-speaking, fun-to-read instructions, more than 150 colorful graphics and illustrations of process and technique, and 100 recipes for classic and popular brews, this handbook covers everything any brewer could ever want, from ...