Life in His Hands: A Call to Godly Surrender and Purposeful Living

Life in His Hands: A Call to Godly Surrender and Purposeful Living
SonRise Devotionals
Jill Holler


The hearts and souls of Christian believers long for a deep connection with God, one that goes beyond the surface and into God's heart. They long for a purpose that transcends the fading glory of this world and touches the eternal things of God. Life in His Hands is a call to all believers to seek the heart of God through the pages of His living word and discover the abundant life of faith that functions on the full power of a sovereign, loving God. Based upon the author's own struggles in finding purpose and experiencing genuine faith, the devotional readings in this book are a testament to the unstoppable power of God's word to change a person's heart, mind, and actions. They are an authentic voice of truth and love that offers strength to those struggling to gain victory over the challenges to their faith. Readers will discover the amazing, life-giving nature of Scripture, which elevates the voice of God above all other competing voices in this world and brings peace to the soul. Life in His Hands offers eternal substance to those seeking a deeper relationship with God and a life of purpose in a world that offers only the temporary. The longings in our hearts will never find peace and fulfillment until we trust in the unchanging words of God and the redeeming hope of Jesus Christ. Before our creation, God created a specific, purposeful plan for each of our lives, and it is not beyond our reach. Instead, is it waiting to be awakened through the power of a living, active God. ...Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us... Hebrews 12:1 NIV

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