Revision of author's: Take my hands, 1963.
本书内容涵盖了躯体病变、精神心理和社会适应障碍等方面的康复治疗,囊括了对各种临床常见症状的处理 ...
This book is suitable for master and doctorate level students preparing for the professional world.
The Signet Mosby Medical Encyclopedia , Revised Edition . St. Louis , MO : C. V. Mosby . ... Breathing Disorders : Your Complete Exercise Guide . Champaign , IL : Human Kinetics ... The People's Medical Society Health Desk Reference .
Goniometría de la muñeca . Pronación 0 ° Figura 7. Goniometría del pulgar y los dedos . 0 ° Extensión de 0 ° y la interfalángica una flexión de 65 ± 12,1 ° y una extensión de 508 . 0 ° Cadera Se trata de una articulación esférica ...
This edition has eight new chapters including evidence-based rehabilitation; robotic therapies; emerging technologies and interventions; and neural repair and plasticity.
"DeLisa's Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation is the "gold standard" in the field of physical medicine and rehabilitation. It is the most modern and comprehensive book in the field.
This book describes basic neuroanatomical structures and functions, neuropathology underlying specific clinical conditions, and theories supporting clinical treatment.
This second edition is smaller (4.75x8") yet contains one- third more material, with new sections on the ADA, geriatrics, outcome measures, and pharmacology, and offer features enhancing usability, such as section tables of contents and ...
Heres a current, concise, and evidence-based approach to the selection, application, and biophysical effects of therapeutic modalities in a case-based format with a wealth of photographs and figures.
The expanded second edition of this manual reflects methods used by today's rehabilitation professionals to establish and measure outcomes.