This book is a combination of Thomas Vincent’s last two known works, one of which is a sermon entitled, “The Only Deliverer from Wrath to Come,” and the other is a book called, “Words Whereby We May be Saved.” The sermon covers 1 Thessalonians 1:10, “Even Jesus which delivered us from the wrath to come.” Vincent demonstrates that 1) there is evidence of this second coming of Jesus Christ, and, 2) the ground of their hope and comfortable expectation and waiting for this coming in the text is because Jesus had delivered them from the wrath to come. The second work is a book on salvation covering 1. Words to try people whether they are in a state of salvation. 2. Words to move people to endeavor after salvation. And, 3. Words to guide people in the way to attain salvation. Also included are Vincent’s sayings which were a collection of quotations taken out of his writings published separately after his death. This is not a scan or facsimile, and has been updated in modern English for easy reading. It also has an active table of contents for electronic versions.
Thomas Vincent (1634-1678) was an English Puritan minister and author in England when such a stance meant suffering and persecution at the hands of the government.
iniquities, mourn for your own sins, and for the great dishonors of his Name by the sins of others. ... 27 Vincent, Thomas, The Way to Escape the Horrible and Eternal Burnings of Hell Through Jesus Christ, (Coconut Creek, ...
Ephesians 1:5 and 1:11 speak of the good pleasure of God towards those elected in Jesus Christ. ... For a full exposition on the reality of hell see The Way to Escape the Horrible and Eternal Burnings of Hell by Thomas Vincent and ...
The most horrible death imaginable is death by fire. Just imagine burning and burning in everlasting fire. There is no more terrible punishment than that described by Christ. How horrible eternity apart from God must be.
... Ralph 294n25 Abraham 5, 37, 38, 76, 79 Adam 13, 64,123, 233 Adams, John 48, 59 Adams, Samuel 48 Afghanistan War, the 206 Afterlife Diet, The (1995) agnostics 235 Agus, Arlene 186–87 AIDS 206, 225 Albom, Mitch 1, 2, 4, 212–14 Alcorn, ...
Why would our Savior; Jesus Christ leave such a place and travel through space and time to earth? ... In heaven and hell we will all have an eternal consciousness; able to experience sensory and emotional sensations; a horrible prospect ...
Although every person deserves eternal punishment in hell which is a "lake of burning sulfur," (Revelations 20:10 ... The way of escape that God provided for sinners was sending His Son, Jesus Christ, to pay the penalty for their sin.
In this valley the apostate Israelites set up their hideous god, "Moloch." also spelled, "Molech". This terrible god was ... To deny the existence of an eternal hell, is, in effect, to make Christ to be either a liar or an ignoramus.
Therefore, this book, UFO's: The Great Last Days Deception seeks to equip you with the truth concerning so-called extraterrestrial visitors and their hidden demonic agenda.
This word “geena,” was used by Jesus in a most solemn and serious way: as a stern warning of the consequences of unforgiven sin ... Jesus said: “You serpents, you generation of vipers, how can you expect to escape the damnation of Hell?