This is a story of a magical life. A young girl with introductions to the elite of the ballet world discovers who she is through romantic encounters in Monte Carlo, Florence, London New York City and many more glamorous locations. She leaves the world of dance and becomes a Fashion Editor at one of the top fashion magazines in the world. But her jet set celebrity filled world of fashion does not provide her the happiness she seeks. Through a series of mystical and mysterious events, she awakens to a deeper calling and her true adventure begins. With twists and turns as sharp as any romance novel, this memoir is part fairy tale, part spiritual primer. Every reader will discover something new about life and about themselves. This is a book to be shared and enjoyed by those seeking the true meaning of their lives. Along the way they will participate in the exciting adventure of unpredictable events taking place in exotic locations across the globe.
Heather Ostler. the Shapeshifter's DECRET HEATHER OSTLER the Shapeshifter's DECRET HEATHER OSTLER Sweetwater Books An Imprint of.
Follows the lives of five teenagers who live in a land that has long seen war between the avian and serpiente shapeshifters, as a fragile peace is established but faces many threats in the following years.
To atone for the misdeed of an ancestor, teen-aged Syanthe, a shape-shifter, journeys outside the safety of the forest where she has always lived to learn the secret of the...
For centuries, shamanic men and women have engaged in shapeshifting rituals - the powerful process of taking on the physical or psychological aspect of an animal to access its strength...
Each of the friends must callupon their special powers to try to outwit their pursuers - but will these abilities spell the end for them all?With appeal for both boys and girls, this is a fast-paced action adventure about contemporary ...
Invasion of the Shapeshifter
Dax Jones will not be tamed.The Children of Limitless Ability can do all sorts of amazing things.
Sized to fit the young reader market, the series follows the adventures of three children who, through their heroic deeds, become members of the Order of the Knights of the Silver Dragon.
Is he really willing to risk their lives in his search for the truth about his existence?With appeal for both boys and girls, this exciting finale to the original Shapeshifter series is a fast-paced action adventure about contemporary ...