Every marriage has its rough patches. If you're wondering how to repair yours, step away from the therapist, put down the magazine, and pick up this book. If you want to build a long, happy, fulfilling marriage, why not learn from the women who've done it? Laura Doyle's marriage was in trouble. After five years, her husband had become distant. He seemed checked out of their relationship, preferring watching TV to making love. There were frequent fights that ended with tense silences and even threats of divorce. Marriage counseling actually made their problems worse. Each session seemed to reinforce the feeling that she and her husband were just too far apart. Desperate to avoid divorcing the man she loved, Laura tried something different. Rather than consulting with experts or professionals, she simply started talking to women who'd been happily married for more than fifteen years. What she discovered shocked her. Everything she had heard in marriage counseling was wrong. Laura realized that there are some basic truths to relationships that can help women maintain loving, intimate marriages, such as: The happiness of your relationship is up to you! Women hold the keys to a happy relationship 95 percent of the time (and will learn what to do the other 5 percent). What men want most of all is to be treated with respect. Treat your man with respect (even if you aren't feeling it), and he will treat you with love and care. Your man wants to know he has your trust. Give it to him, and he'll realize you are special . . . because you will be! After seeing her own marriage transform, Laura set out to help other women do the same. In this book, you'll learn Laura's Six Intimacy Skills,” which have been used by over 50,000 women who have transformed their previously unhappy marriages into blissful unions. Stop reading articles about how important it is to schedule date night, and learn how to transform your relationship into one bursting with energy, intimacy, and love.First, Kill All the Marriage Counselors will put you on the path to having the marriage you want with the man you love.
Maybe the problem is that nobody ever taught you the skills you need to foster respect, tenderness, and consideration. With humor and heart, The Empowered Wife shows you how to improve your relationship in ways you hadn't thought possible.
While the barber was trying his best to cut the man's hair, his wife was standing by giving the barber explicit instructions. “Not too short in the back,” she told him, “and make sure it doesn't stick out on the top!
The principles presented in The Surrendered Single are simple: When you try to control who asks you out and when a man will call, or if you try to corner him into a commitment, you drive him away.
PLEASE NOTE: This is an unofficial workbook and was created to be used as a compliment to Laura Doyle's book: First, Kill All the Marriage Counselors.
The term was coined by British Freudian Melanie Klein to describe how infants project destructive parts of themselves onto parental figures as a defense against reckoning with their own violent impulses. (It's frightening to want to ...
Lee's friends at his investment bank say he's a great guy, supersmart, the best trader on the desk, but they don't know jack shit about him either.” “I think he just got out of prison for abducting blond chicks he meets on the subways.
Yet surprisingly, current research reveals that these are only a small part of what makes for a healthy marriage—much more important are psychological and biological influences.
Bringing the earthiness of America's past to mind, The Memory of Old Jack conveys the truth and integrity of the land and the people who live from it.
Now, in The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands, Dr. Laura shows you—with real-life examples and real-life solutions—how to wield that power to attain all the sexual pleasure, intimacy, love, joy, and peace you want in your life.
Some might wonder what’s really going on once the dinner party is over, and the front door has closed. From bestselling author B.A. Paris comes the gripping thriller and international phenomenon Behind Closed Doors.