A translation by Robert Bononno and designer Jeff Clark of one of Stéphane Mallarmé’s most well-known and visually complex poems into contemporary English language and design. The book is composed in an elaborate set of type and photography to both honor the original and be an object of delight. Includes the original preface by Mallarmé. Bilingual edition. Stéphane Mallarmé (1842-98) was born in Paris and is widely regarded as one of the most important figures of nineteenth-century French poetry. Jeff Clark's book designs have been praised in the New Yorker, Better Living Through Design, Cool Hunting, Granta, and other venues. He is a graduate of the University of Iowa Writers' Workshop. Robert Bononno has received two NEA grants for translations of French authors and was a finalist for the French-American Foundation Translation Prize for his translation of René Crevel.
با فرصتهای خوب چه میکنی؟
This second edition has wider coverage, more explanations and examples and exercises, and a new chapter introducing Markov chains, making it a great choice for a first probability course.
Celebrated mathematician Amir D Aczel sets his sights on the probability theory - the branch of mathematics that measures the likelihood of a random event.
To Do Away with Freedom, Or, How Not to Escape One's Destiny, Or, Fatal Against Fractal, Or, This World which...
jedenfalls heute schon stellenweise besser als das , was sich vorher unter vielen Kompromissen kontingenter Nebenbedingungen in der Evolution zusammengewerkelt hat . Eine Berufung auf ein vorgegebenes « Naturrecht » hilft dabei wenig ...
Aristotle's Physics: Books I and II
Following on from the bestselling Nothing and Question Everything, this book will open your eyes to the weird and wonderful world of chance - and help you see when some things, in fact, aren't random at all.
Originally published in France, 1951 by Presses Universitaires de France as La genese de l'idee de hasard chez l'enfnat.
In What the Luck? statistician and author, Gary Smith, sets himself a similar goal, and explains - in clear, understandable, and witty prose - how a statistical understanding of luck can change the way we see just about every aspect of our ...