Using the metaphor of politics as a "game", this book provides students with a solic, "nuts-and-bolts" introduction to American government in a brief, accessible format.
For introductory students of American government, this affordable text is especially ideal for advanced placement courses, community colleges, and international programs in American Studies.
This text uses a dynamic game metaphor to engage students in the basics of the American political system and the contact sport of politics.
American Government 3e
This vibrant, illustrated guide to the ins and outs of United States politics provides a clearer understanding of the current events and regular processes that shape this nation and the world.
The textbook Political Science Basics helps you learn the fundamentals of the American Government while digging deeper into theory and history.
American Government: The Basics
Ferguson ( 1896 ) . Here , the Court upheld a Louisiana law requiring railroads to provide separate cars for the two races . The Court declared that segregation had nothing to do with the superiority of the white race , and that ...
The 16th Edition offers fresh topics that exemplify these times of political upheaval and reform, including President Trump's recent policies as well as resistance from the left in the form of the #metoo movement and the actions of ...
Using a dynamic game metaphor, the text covers four governmental "players," as well as the constitutional "rules of the game." It ends by examining rival theories on who wins and who loses in the American political system.