In My First Summer in the Sierra John Muir recounts his early travels in the Sierra while working as a shepherd. In the summer of 1869, Muir set out from California's Central Valley with a flock of 2,050 sheep and made his way to the headwaters of the Merced and Tuolumne Rivers. As one of America's great philosopher naturalists, Muir captures the spirit of the Sierra Nevada and brings the reader along as a witness to his great journey. He explores in great detail the mountains, meadows, waterfalls, flora, and fauna of the rich landscape that captured his heart. My First Summer in the Sierra is an excellent introduction to the writings of John Muir. This edition contains 30 illustrations.
Hints on Making Nature Collections in Public and High Schools [microform]
In a trio of wonderful, long essays, a nature writer, a poet, and an essayist/novelist let us sit in on their friendship and what draws them, inexorably, to the same small pond in Maine. A joyful, unforgettable book.
The trips detailed in this volume include stops at quintessential features such as the Shenandoah Valley, Carlsbad Caverns, Big Bend National Park, and La Popa Basin of Nuevo Le n and Coahuila, Mexico, as well as many others.
“ Fossil Birds . ” Los Angeles County Museum Science Series , No. 17 ( 1962 ) . Kennedy , Michael P. “ Geology of the San Diego Metropolitan Area , California . ” California Division of Mines and Geology , Bulletin 200 ( 1975 ) .
Among the other graves of interest are those of Mark Hellinger , for whom a Broadway theater was named ; Major Bowes , the 1940s radio personality ; and Walter Chrysler , the American auto industrialist .
First published in 1772 and reissued here in its 1799 third edition, this work was intended to provide the traveller with advice on collecting and preserving scientific specimens, and on pursuing intellectual investigations.
Chris Carolin of Porter's Auto was contacted for advice . He's a 4x4 man and offered no less than three new Pajeros if he and some buddies could come along . Good publicity , he rationalised . When Johan and I rolled into Porter's early ...
The wonderfully descriptive names that they gave to each full moon resulted from the collective wisdom of their generations , who lived in harmony with nature . For example , they named the full moon of September the Harvest Moon ...
With John Burroughs in Field and Wood
FitzGerald was pleased to learn of Lorentz's contribution , telling him in a letter : “ I have been rather laughed at for my view over here . " Their idea is now called the Lorentz - FitzGerald contraction , and was proposed as a way of ...