Instant Bestseller on Amazon in Marketing and Sales! FACT: Less than ONE percent of all leads become customers. As a business, how can you break that trend and achieve client fidelity? In this book we reveal the secrets behind the framework that will sell and retain your customers. Did you know that less than one percent of all leads become customers? It is a true and shocking stat, but there is a way to stop the waste and flip this around. In this highly anticipated book, we reveal the secrets behind our signature TEAM - Target, Engage, Activate, and Measure - framework to transform your approach to market, increase sales, and retain your ideal customers. Account-Based Marketing (ABM) is the new B2B. It's time to challenge the status quo of B2B Marketing and Sales, and transition to what the business arena already expects as the updated B2B model. A transformation like this can only happen through an account-based approach that unites marketing, sales, and customer success teams (go-to-market teams) as #OneTeam. In summary, the TEAM framework coupled with the account-based approach enables your company to focus on the target accounts, engage them in a meaningful way, activate the sales team with top tier accounts proactively, and finally measure success based on business outcomes over vanity metrics. It's time to take the lead and transition your business to ABM. The process is simple when you have the right book - ABM is B2B. What are you waiting for?
網路價值: 逆向市場上的資訊仲介者
Building the Customer Specific Retail Enterprise
Customer Intelligence: The Value of Customers, The Power of Profits
Discrete Alternatives and Dichotomous Logit Analysis Using the Maximum Likelihood Method
Application of Multinomial Probit to a Two-period Panel Data Set
An Integration of Probabilistic Discrete-choice Models and Experimental Design Data: An Application in Cultural Economics
Achieving Representativeness of the Observable Component of the Indirect Utility Function in Logit Choice Models: An Empirical Revelation
I want that!: how we all became shoppers
The Waiter gives people everywhere a heads-up on how to treat a waiter in order to receive good service and not have your food spit in.
本书分为绪论, 费瑟斯通对消费理论的研究视角, 日常生活:消费的最佳领域, 费瑟斯通的生活方式理论, 消费社会中的完美身体形象五编.具体内容包括:国内外研究概况, ...