The Superstate is everywhere, and it's authority is absolute. Yoga Town is a city divided. While they wait to leave the earth, the 1% can bend reality to their will, they live in a consequence free world where anything goes. Meanwhile, the masses are pacified by a drugged out, government mandated digital dreamscape while they wait to perish on this dying planet. But there is still hope, for angels roam the earth. With their help, maybe some rebellious spirits can start to make a change. Experience 15 surreal and disturbing tales of rebellious fembots, celebrity turkey shoots, violent astral projection and an all-new take on the TV dinner.
"The suicide of a great nation or empire is always preceded by generations that have lost contact with the core values that made their societies great in the first place.
The Superstate is everywhere, and it's authority is absolute.
The Emerging Japanese Superstate: Challenge and Response
For the standard expression of this point of view, see Lord Robertson, “A Global Dimension for a Renewed Transatlantic ... Recently this idea has been dusted off by (among others) Andrew Moravcsik, “The Quiet Superpower,” Newsweek ...
One of the most acclaimed and accomplished science fiction writers of the twentieth century, Grand Master Brian W. Aldiss offers a colorful tapestry of what’s to come in his thoughtful and savagely funny take on the shape of tomorrow.
The Politics of Energy: The Emergence of the Superstate
This fascinating book explains how Texas' business has become America's business & how Texas' politics are now America's politics.
The first half of this comprehensive textbook is a clear narrative account of Japanese history from the days of the shogun to the present. The second half is devoted to...
Superpower - Not Superstate?
The Superstate is everywhere, and it's authority is absolute.