"Pablo Alvarez offers the first complete English translation of Alonso Víctor de Paredesʼ Institucion, y origen del arte de la imprenta, y reglas generales para los componedores [Institution, and Origin of the Art of Printing, and General Rules for Compositors]. This 96-page printing manual -- set and printed by Paredes himself -- was issued in Madrid around 1680. It opens with an introductory digression on the origin of writing and printing, followed by ten technical chapters on each of the tasks that are necessary to print a book, including a detailed description of the different kinds of type sizes and their use, the rules of orthography and punctuation, the setting of numeric systems, imposition, casting off, the printing of university dissertations, and the correction of proofs. Some of the chapters are of unique relevance for the understanding of early printing in Europe. Chapter 8, for example, is the first recorded, comprehensive account of the practice of printing by forms/formes. Alvarezʼ transcription, translation, and notes greatly facilitate access to this important historical work, which is in fact the earliest known printing manual published in Europe -- Joseph Moxon's Mechanick Exercises was published in 1683 -- and an extraordinary rarity: there are only two extant copies in the world. The book also features a foreword by Don W. Cruickshank and full reproductions of the copies held in rare-book collections at the Providence Public Library and at the University of Valencia, Spain. Dr. Alvarez is Curator at the Special Collections Research Center, University of Michigan Library"--website.
... de la Vega, Obras de Garcilasso de la Vega con anotaciones de Fernando de Herrera, in Seville in 1580.* 1 A close examination of multiple copies of this edition reveals that Herrera was thoroughly involved as a corrector in the course ...
Obra publicada en 1680, refleja las vivencias personales del autor como impresor en el Madrid de su época y ofrece una metodología ordenada de todos los elementos que constituyen la...
"This book traces the history of rock 'n' roll in Mexico and the rise of the native countercultural movement La Onda (the wave).
An introduction to studying and editing texts in all forms, from manuscript to digital.
A reference guide to the vast array of art song literature and composers from Latin America, this book introduces the music of Latin America from a singer's perspective and provides a basis for research into the songs of this richly musical ...
33 The printer-author dialogues, whilst they are fictionalized and therefore questionable evidence of the event itself, ... 33 Helen Smith, “Grossly Material Things”: Women and Book Production in Early Modern England (Oxford: Oxford ...
... Libros ibéricos (ib). Books Published in Spanish or Portuguese or on the Iberian Peninsula before 1601 (Leiden: Brill, 2010), and Alexander S. Wilkinson & Alejandra Ulla Lorenzo (eds.), Iberian Books Volumes ... Iberian Book Trade, 1472–1650.
Gregory Elliott. London: Verso, 2006. ———. The World Republic of Letters. Trans. M.B. deBevoise. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2004. Cerna Bazán, José. Sujeto a cambio. Lima: Latinoamericana Editores, 1995. Certeau, Michel ...
Mechanick Exercises: Or The Doctrine Of Handy-Works, was written, printed and published as a serial by Joseph Moxon between 1683 & 1685 and the published as a book in 1703.
And magazine, papers, and books are read and re-read, and passed round until they literally drop to pieces.38 36 History of the American Field Service, III: 196. 38 Koch, Books in the War, 213. 37 Koch, Books in the War, 819.