The new second edition of Color Atlas of Hematology serves as a useful reference guide and instructional textbook on peripheral blood. It offers a a real-world look at cell identification the most important morphologic clues, key differentiating features, look-alikes, and associated disease states. Color Atlas of Hematology lists the critical keys to successful morphologic identification of cells, ranging from the routine to the markedly abnormal. Detailed "A Closer Look At..." sections offer in-depth discussion, explanation, and highlights of clinical information, pathophysiology, and identification details on various topics. The cases presented include vital statistics, explanatory text, color illustrations, and photomicrographs -- Provided by the publisher.
Color Atlas of Hematology: An Illustrated Field Guide Based on Proficiency Testing
***2010 BMA Book Awards - First Prize - Internal Medicine category*** "This book is exceptionally useful to any busy health care professional, for checking quickly a small piece of forgotten or uncertain information.
The highly accessible format of this text enables quick and easy reference for anyone using it.
Willi B, Boretti FS, Cattori V, et al. Identification, molecular characterization, and experimental ... Theileriosis in a white- ... LEUKOCYTE TYPES AND NUMBERS IN BLOOD Mammalian leukocytes or white. 521. 522. 523. 524. 525. 526. 527.
This essential guide can help readers identify blood type cells, which are difficult to categorize, and explains the morphologic characteristics of peripheral blood cells in detail.
Used as a quick reference, study guide, or atlas, this is an invaluable tool for today's laboratory technician student, helping them clearly identify the very types of hematologic images they will encounter in practice.
Previous ed.: Saint Louis, Mo.: Elsevier Saunders, 2004.
Ideal as a quick, easy-to-use reference in the laboratory or clinical setting, Atlas of Diagnostic Hematology is an abundantly illustrated guide to the vast range of malignant and non-malignant disorders of the blood.
First published in 2006, the bestselling Wintrobe’s Atlas of Clinical Hematologyhas now been comprehensively updated by a brand-new editorial team to bring you state-of-the-art pictorial coverage of the complete range of hematologic ...
Ranging from photographs of the clinical manifestations and key microscopic findings to diagrams of the molecular aspects of these diseases, the book provides up-to-date information of the blood diseases that clinicians encounter every day.