The Right of Spoil of the Popes of Avignon, 1316-1415

Church history
Karen Corsano, Daniel Williman


All the popes of Avignon, from John XXII to Benedict XIII, claimed the movable goods of deceased prelates and other clerics by their "right of spoil." This power was an exercise of the popes' vastly expanded fiscal administration, justified by their claim to plenitudo potestatis, which was not successfully challenged until the Great Western Schism. The first edition was based on the cases of 1,191 despoiled clerics. The second edition is completely rewritten and updated, including 1,352 cases. The introductory study has been greatly expanded and offers a robust account of the peculiar institution of spoils in its bureaucratic and ideological setting. Conceived as both an electronic book and a print book, the new edition makes full use of modern technical tools. The introductory study includes its own index of proper names and an appendix of proving documents. In the repertory of cases, the Vatican Archives documents of each case are summarized with their dates and citations, and there is an elaborate index of all the persons named in the cases. A complete bibliography is found at the end. The data in all the separate Cases have been extracted into a downloadable statistical table.--Publisher.

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