Manhattan Prep’s 5 lb. Book of GRE Practice Problems is an essential resource for students of any level who are preparing for the GRE revised General Exam. Recently updated to more closely reflect the nuances of the GRE exam, this book offers more than 1,800 questions across 33 chapters and online to provide students with comprehensive practice. Developed by our expert instructors, the problems in this book are sensibly grouped into practice sets and mirror those found on the GRE in content, form, and style. Students can build fundamental skills in math and verbal through targeted practice while easy-to-follow explanations and step-by-step applications help cement their understanding of the concepts tested on the GRE. In addition, students can take their practice to the next level with online question banks that provide realistic, computer-based practice to better simulate the GRE test-taking experience. Purchase of this book includes access to an online video introduction, online banks of GRE practice problems, and the GRE Challenge Problem Archive.
Developed by our 99th-percentile GRE instructors, the problems in this book are sensibly grouped into practice sets and mirror those found on the GRE in content, form, and style.
This edition of GRE All the Quant has been reorganized to start you at the fundamentals and take you all the way through the hardest topics—start where you need and go as far as you need for your target score.
This fully up-to-date guide reflects both recent and upcoming enhancements to the ACT. Purchase of this book includes access to additional online resources.
"Build core skills, gain insights from world-class instructors, analyze and improve"--Cover.
6 Practice Tests + Proven Strategies + Online Kaplan Test Prep. TEST DAY AND BEYOND ... The following are methods to relieve your stress during the test: • Keep moving forward instead of getting bogged down in a difficult question.
Delving deeply into both of the GRE's vocabulary question types, this Guide provides straightforward step-by-step processes, detailed examples, and built-in exercises to hone particular skills.
A helpful manual for students preparing for the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) furnishes more than one thousand practice questions, along with complete answer explanations and an informative overview of what is on the exam itself and how ...
Note: This guide is recommended for those already scoring 47 or higher on the quant section of the GMAT; to work up to a score of 47, check out Manhattan Prep’s All the Quant guide.
Manhattan Prep and its top-notch GRE instructors release the most comprehensive set of GRE flash cards on the market.
Students will find: Six full-length practice exams that are similar in length, structure, question types, and degree of difficulty to the actual GRE exam Detailed answers and explanations for every question A thorough introduction that ...