No project management training? No problem! In today's workplace, employees are routinely expected to coordinate and manage projects. Yet, chances are, you aren't formally trained in managing projects—you're an unofficial project manager. FranklinCovey experts Kory Kogon, Suzette Blakemore, and James Wood understand the importance of leadership in project completion and explain that people are crucial in the formula for success. Project Management for the Unofficial Project Manager offers practical, real-world insights for effective project management and guides you through the essentials of the people and project management process: Initiate Plan Execute Monitor/Control Close Unofficial project managers in any arena will benefit from the accessible, engaging real-life anecdotes, memorable “Project Management Proverbs," and quick reviews at the end of each chapter. If you're struggling to keep your projects organized, this book is for you. If you manage projects without the benefit of a team, this book is also for you. Change the way you think about project management—"project manager" may not be your official title or necessarily your dream job, but with the right strategies, you can excel.
This updated and revised edition of Project Management for the Unofficial Project Manager offers practical, real-world insights for effective project management and guides you through the essentials of the value, people, and project ...
This updated and revised edition of Project Management for the Unofficial Project Manager offers practical, real-world insights for effective project management and guides you through the essentials of the value, people, and project ...
This is the one guide you need to take ownership of any project, and let your business expertise translate to project success.
Alpha Project Managers: what the top 20% know that everyone else does not gets you inside the minds of these top managers and shares their practices, their attitudes, and their secrets.
lessons learned presentation. None of their colleagues turned up. Apparently, they were 'too busy' trying to deliver their projects. The second half of the programme then repeated many of the mistakes that their peers had already ...
The Lazy Project Manager shows how adopting a more focused approach to life, projects and work can make us twice as productive.
to find powerful organizational members who feel strongly enough about the “too many projects problem” to risk damaging ... Good, rational reasons can always be found for not eliminating some particular project, particularly if that ...
It now includes references to the PMBOK, the innovative AgileOPPMTM, and introduces the online MyOPPMTM template builder. This is seriously simple project communication at its best.
Whether you’re a designer or a manager, Project Management for Humans will help you estimate and plan tasks, scout and address issues before they become problems, and communicate with and hold people accountable.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.