The most current, up to date, full color manual anywhere on the Remington 870 shotgun. Authored by Erik Lawrence, former Special Forces Instructor and owner of one of the most realistic and experienced training companies in the US. 56 pages of great to know information with procedures that have been vetted over time. 50+ color pictures to better explain the listed procedures. Developed for weapons familiarization classes and instructor development...the best Team Room reference library available. The objective of this manual is to allow the reader to be able to use the Remington 870 shotgun system safely and competently. The practical guide will give the reader: * background/specifications of the weapon and its capability * Multiple descriptive photographs * instructions on its operation * disassembly and assembly procedures * proper safe firing procedures * malfunction procedures Operator level maintenance will also be detailed to allow the operator to understand and become competent in the use and maintenance of the Remington 870 shotgun.
Practical Guide to the Operational Use of the Remington 870 Shotgun
This handbook is primarily for the use of persons in the business of importing, manufacturing, and dealing in firearms defined by the National Firearms Act (NFA) or persons intending to go into an NFA firearms business.
I hope this book serves as “creative rocket fuel” (Ed Helms) to build, make, invent, explore, and—most of all—enjoy the thrills of being a creator.
It may seem redundant to include a separate seat - belt cutter in a knife , but this small slot with a blade inside makes it much easier to cut a seat belt after a wreck . The knife doesn't need to be open .
The objective of this manual is to allow the reader to be able to use the DShK Machine Gun system safely and competently.
Zeroing the AKM-type rifle Zero procedure: Attempt to do this on a known distance range on a windless day from a solid ... For these two zeros, you will keep your rifle on the lowest slider setting, which has different characters to ...
The objective of this manual is to allow the reader to be able to use the PKM Machine Gun system safely and competently.
The objective of this manual is to allow the reader to be able to use the PPS-43 Submachine gun safely and competently.
Hogg, Military SmallArms ofthe 20th Century. 1. Declaration III, Hague Accords of 1899. 03.asp. 2. “A Marine Reports from Iraq,” Washington Times, Nov. 22, 2005, p. A21 (op-ed). 3.
This book utilises the knowledge and experience acquired by those dealing with ballistic trauma on a regular basis to help those who manage these patients less regularly.