Achieving Effective Hearing Aid Use in Early Childhood: Guidance for Families and Professionals of Children with Hearing Loss from Infancy...

Achieving Effective Hearing Aid Use in Early Childhood: Guidance for Families and Professionals of Children with Hearing Loss from Infancy...
Hearing aids
Karen L. Anderson


The combination of early identification of hearing loss and vastly improved hearing technology has resulted in the promise of better language, school and lifelong outcomes for children with hearing loss. Yet, those outcomes will not be realized unless the child's hearing is enhanced by consistent use of hearing devices to allow the best possible perception of speech. Simply identifying the hearing loss early and providing hearing aids to families will do little to improve lifelong learning. Research has indicated that only 10% of children achieve full time hearing aid use during all waking hours. The families of these children need to understand the importance of consistent hearing for brain development. But knowing how important hearing is to growing a child's brain is still not enough. Fitting hearing aids to meet the hearing needs of an infant or toddler is only the first step. It takes much patience, persistence, love and understanding by the child's family to reach the goal of full-time hearing aid wear. As the child moves through developmental stages toward becoming an independent person, his or her complacency with hearing aid wear is very likely to change. This does not mean that the child is rejecting the hearing aids because he does not like them. It means that he or she is learning new skills towards body control and independence.The purpose of this guide is to further understanding of child development, how it will affect hearing aid wear, and what families and early intervention teachers can do to achieve full-time hearing aid wear. By using the information in this guide, hearing aid retention accessories and specific age-appropriate strategies, it is hoped that families will be better prepared to manage their child's hearing aid wear.Purchase from

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