Adversity Has the Seed of Greatness: Adversity Will Make You Better, as Long as it Does Not Make You Bitter.

Adversity Has the Seed of Greatness: Adversity Will Make You Better, as Long as it Does Not Make You Bitter.
Napoleon Hill Foundation
Patrick Kennedy


Patrick Gerard Kennedy, 62, was called home to Heavenly Rest surrounded by his loving family on July21, 2020. He was born in Limerick, Ireland on January 15, 1958. He was raised in the Village ofBallinderry, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary. He lived an amazing life growing up in the beautiful countrysidewhere everyone knew him as Paddy. He loved music, motorcycles, cars, waterskiing, Photographyand adventure.His love of adventure and skiing took him to America where he would meet his perfect match. Togetherthey made plans and traveled and built the life they loved. He represented Ireland in the WorldChampionship for Waterskiing. He then had a benign tumor removed from his spine and after recoveryhe began working for the company he would be with for 36 1/2 years, Combined Insurance Company of(Ireland) and then America. He was very patriotic loving his home country of Ireland and then becoming acitizen in the U.S. after 9/11. You would be hard pressed to find a more Patriotic Man.He built a life of goals and dreams and shared his love of life with his family and friends. To know him, you knew he did EVERYTHING with loyalty, intensity and passion. He was all in! If you neededsomething, he would be there with a helping hand, brainstorming or to give advice.He battled Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (A.L.L.) since March 2019. It was a battle he was winning andwas in remission after getting a bone marrow/ stem cell transplant from his brother John. We all knew hewould beat it - there was not a doubt. In the end it was Covid-19 that he fought the hardest against. Wedid everything possible to be safe and the wretched virus invaded our lives. There is an immense gratitudefor sharing our lives with him. He will be deeply missed and forever in our hearts. How do you paytribute to such a man? You honor his life by living every moment with deep love, gratitude, and intensedevotion. You remember him for what he did in life and the great stories he collected.Honor him by living your Best Life and telling his stories, and know you touched his life more than you willever know

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