Set amidst the backdrop of the troubled town of Blackwater, New Jersey, a Bruce Lee- and Bruce Springsteen-devoted young hero journeys toward adulthood in this devastating yet intelligent debut novel from poet and musician Rich Ferguson. New Jersey Me explores an ensemble cast of unique characters, including Blackwater's hometown nuclear power plant; a beauty named Baby; Baby's hell-bent-for-prison boyfriend, Terry; a Mary Kay mom high on Vicodin and Bloody Marys; and an old, old tree with a taste for blood. The son of the local police chief, Mark dreams of escaping the small town's conflicting and oppressive codes of manhood. In the meantime, though, Mark lives a boy's life, Blackwater-style: netting fish that have been killed by sudden coldwater emissions from the nuclear plant; kidnapping a chimp from the local circus; selling dirty socks to a local eccentric who may hold the key to Mark's escape; dating a one-legged girl; and observing the increasingly mysterious behavior of his best friend, Jimmy.
Filled with lively, incisive anecdotes that record how the author restored respectability to the office of New Jersey governor--after Jim McGreevey resigned due to a homosexual affair--and set a record for good politics and good government ...
And, for the first time, Christie tells the full story of the Kushner saga: how, as a federal prosecutor, Christie put Jared Kushner's powerful father behind bars--a fact Trump's son-in-law makes Christie pay for later.
BARRY. N. MALZBERG. &. BILL. PRONZINI. Rutherford. Listen. to me. Please listen. Everything I'm about to tell you is the gospel truth. I can't live with this terrible secret any longer. It's been thirty-five years, but I've never ...
In Bury Me in My Jersey, McAllister explores the connection between his dedication to the Eagles and the death of his father.
John Hasse, Rowan University and Richard Lathrop, Grant R. Walton, Center for Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis, Rutgers University, “Tracking New Jersey's Dynamic Landscape: Conflict and Compromise in New Jersey's Pine Barrens,” ...
Documents Relating to the Revolutionary History of the State of New Jersey
This book functions the same way: it gives dozens of different contributors the chance to share what New Jersey looks like to them.