Butterflies of Illinois: The Prairie State has many interesting natural communities to explore, including rich hardwood forests, prairies, old fields, fens, bogs, marshes, swamps, and, along the shore of Lake Michigan, dune habitats. The butterflies of Illinois are a mix of southern, midwestern, and northern species. A total of 101 species of butterflies and 59 species of their close relatives, the skippers, have been found in the state. Beautifully illustrated are 58 species of butterflies and 26 species of skippers, and their caterpillars, found in Illinois. Ideal for the field, this folding, waterproof guide features color photos of the butterflies and caterpillars in a side-by-side format. Common and scientific names, adult size, season when they can be found, and their caterpillar host plants are listed. Tips on finding butterflies and caterpillars are given and the life cycle of the Pipevine Swallowtail is illustrated. Featured are some familiar butterflies such as the Eastern