¿ CLEAR & CONCISE: Tight case editing, focused questions, and topical problems direct students' attention to the most critical issues. The book covers the full sweep of the subject, but is still short enough that the core topics can be taught in a 3-credit survey course. ¿ UP-TO-DATE COVERAGE: The seventh edition features five new principal cases, along with numerous new and revised notes and questions. New cases deal with international injunctions, free speech rights to use the Internet, compelled decryption, trademarks and search engines, and algorithmic accountability. Several sections have been tightened up and older material has been cut, resulting in a streamlined reading experience. ¿ TECHNICAL AND HISTORICAL NOTES: Mini-essays throughout the book provide the essential technical background needed to make sense of computer and Internet technologies. Where modern doctrine has important historical roots (e.g., network neutrality and telecommunications regulation), the book gives the necessary context.
Global view of the fundamental legal issues raised by the advent of the Internet.
This authoritative work describes the nature and growth of the law of the Internet and explains the legal obligations, opportunities, rights, and risks inherent in this complex medium.
The new edition has an expanded glossary, topic, statute, and case indexes. Concisely written and covering a broad range of topics, this is the most current book of its kind!
The Handbook questions the extent to which the Internet forces us to rethink existing legal concepts and institutions.
significant protection for geographical indications against trademarks, the latter are better protected with regard to domain names.55 In this sense, it is not realistic to consider a specific legal framework, e.g. a multilateral ...
This work takes a global view of the fundamental legal issues raised by the advent of the Internet as a global communications mechanism. It includes extensive legal and other materials...
This book discusses the international legal issues underlying Internet Governance and proposes an international solution to its problems.
A primer on legal issues relevant to an online business includes coverage of such topics as trademarks, domain names, patents, free speech, privacy, spam, taxes, e-commerce, employment, contracts, and copyrights.
... with his having joined with fellow [Todd Place Crew] members on these occasions to avenge [their leader] Foster's death. ... Richardson attacked victim Brown for allegedly supplying drugs to Jeannette Smith, Richardson's girlfriend.
To help readers come to grips with the necessity of approaching the subject from a transnational perspective, this book surveys the best available U.S. and foreign cases, statutes, and commentaries covering global Internet Law developments.