Follow the adventures of one special prayer as she travels on a single breath to the edge of the universe to find God. This story explores the personal and omnipresent nature of God in an easily accessible way. Helping children use prayer and breath to find God within themselves.
" - Publishers Weekly> Using the 14th century spiritual classic The Cloud of Unknowing as both a jumping-off place and a sustained point of reference, Meninger, a Trappist monk and retreat master, does a powerful, even stunning job of ...
Praise for Searching for God Knows What: "Like a shaken snow globe, Donald Miller's newest collection of essays creates a swirl of ideas about the Christian life that eventually crystallize into a lovely landscape...[He] is one of the ...
A heart perfect in its purpose toward God—this is only the initial stage. ... All this is to be sought and found in prayer, too. He who understands what is perfect in purpose will pray to be perfect in practice, as well.
{125 DivinePurity Praying, 2 Peter 1:3} 19Elijah found Elisha plowing a field with two oxen. Ahead of him were 11 farmers each with a pair of oxen, and Elisha had the 12th pair. Elijah went over to Elisha and threw his cloak over him.
Perry , William G. , Jr. Forms of Intellectual and Ethical Development in the College Years . New York : Holt , Rinehart , Winston , 1968 . Pieper , Joseph . ... Smith , Gibbs , M. Joe Hill . Salt Lake City : U. of Utah Press , 1969 .
Casting a compelling vision for holy sexuality, Out of a Far Country speaks to prodigals, parents of prodigals, and those wanting to minister to the gay community. “But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt ...
A well-written, absorbing depiction of a fascinating school." THE BOSTON GLOBE In 1985, Ari L. Gldman took a year's leave from his job as a religion reporter for THE NEW YORK TIMES and enrolled in the Harvard Divnity School.
The Search for God
God himself is trying through our best to find a channel for his Spirit, The consideration of this vague groping after a ... The deepest necessity of a fruitful life of prayer is the recognition that God's search for men is prior to any ...
In Experiencing God, Thomas H. Green, S.J., presents a brief and accessible guide to prayer. Green reminds readers that prayer life is, above all, a relationship with God and a deepening of our experience of God.