The Man from Whitman Creek: The Autobiography of Robert G. Lawson

William F. Fortune


ROBERT G. "BOB" LAWSON had a long and remarkable career: over 50 years, he taught thousands of law students; counseled lawyers, judges, and University of Kentucky presidents; authored three books; drafted Kentucky's criminal code and rules of evidence; and campaigned against harsh sentences and jail overcrowding. In all his endeavors, Lawson brought to bear the values he learned growing up in a loving family in Whitman Creek, a West Virginia coal camp-work hard, be responsible, exercise good judgment, and act for the welfare of others. In The Man from Whitman Creek, William H. "Bill" Fortune recounts the people, places, and values that influenced and shaped Lawson-son, student, family man, lawyer, teacher, scholar, advocate for justice, friend, and colleague. For this book, Fortune reviewed state and local archives in West Virginia, Berea College (Kentucky), and the University of Kentucky. He also interviewed scores of people, including college presidents and administrators, faculty members, former students (most of them lawyers), judges, and legislators. "Concern for others" is the recurring theme in comments about Lawson from those whose lives he touched. It's how he was brought up. "[I]n Whitman Creek," Lawson notes, "you were judged by what you do, not by where you come from or what you say you're going to do."In this brief biography, Fortune shows how Lawson "did what he said he was going to do," by acting on his concern for others-especially the downtrodden. During his remarkable career, Lawson's actions helped shape and influence the education and careers of his students, the well-being of the University of Kentucky and its J. David Rosenberg College of Law, and the law and justice of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. And they will continue to do so for years to come.