When Bridger Whitt learns his eccentric employer is actually an intermediary between the human world and its myths, he finds himself in the center of chaos: The myth realm is growing unstable, and now he's responsible for helping his boss keep the real world from ever finding out.
You need only hear the story in its barest outline , as I first did — " and then there was Jerome who was washed up legless on the shore ” – to willingly pick up the hook , lance your own lip , and beg to be reeled in .
"First published in 1989 by 'London Review of Books'. 'Lady in the Van' is included in Alan Bennett's collection of prose, 'Writing home' published by Faber & Faber ; also published in 'Four stories' published by Profile Books.
Elizabethan Eccentrics: Brief Lives of English Misfits, Exploiters, Rogues and Failures, 1580-1660
Presents brief biographical accounts of eccentric scientists and inventors in history.
... 295 ; translation of The Iliad of Homer ( quoted ) , 132 Poverty causes and solutions of 342-50 rights of the poor , 134–38 See also Commerce ... and colonialism and inheritance , 26 Jacobins , English and French , compared , 180n .
Capital Characters: A Celebration of Victorian Eccentrics
The Great American Crazies
Unstrung Heroes
Completely hilarious ... kind of The League of Gentlemen for kids' Zoe Ball Shabba me whiskers! It's a bold new look for Mr Gum, the best-selling cult classic, ready for a new generation of nibbleheads.
It took Roussel seven years to write the 40 - page Impressions d'Afrique ( a place he hadn't yet been to ) . ... Far more rewarding is Mark Ford's excellent biography , Raymond Roussel and the Republic of Dreams ( see Appendix : Further ...