Apologetics, the defense of the Faith, shows why our Christian faith is true—but it’s much more than that. Apologetics isn’t just the province of scholars and saints, but of ordinary men and women: parents, teachers, lay ministry leaders, pastors, and everyone who wants to develop a stronger faith, to understand why we believe what we believe, to know Our Lord better, and love him more fully. In Apologetics and the Christian Imagination: An Integrated Approach to Defending the Faith, Holly Ordway shows how an imaginative approach—in cooperation with rational arguments—is extremely valuable in helping people come to faith in Christ. Making a case for the role of imagination in apologetics, this book proposes ways to create meaning for Christian language in a culture that no longer understands words like ‘sin’ or ‘salvation,' suggests how to discern and address the manipulation of language, and shows how metaphor and narrative work in powerful ways to communicate the truth. It applies these concepts to specific, key apologetics issues, including suffering, doubt, and longing for meaning and beauty. Apologetics and the Christian Imagination shows how Christians can harness the power of the imagination to share the Faith in meaningful, effective ways.
New York : New World Library , 2001 . Where the Two Came to Their Father : A Navajo War Ceremonial . New York : Pantheon Books , 1943 . The Way of Myth : Talking with Joseph Campbell , with Fraser Boa . Boston : Shambhala , 1994 .
Essays & reviews. A protest ... on the appearance of the 'episcopal manifesto'. With extr. from the Essays and reviews
This is a wide-ranging book about the relationship between God and contemporary science and culture.
Thomas Linton Leishman, Why I Am a Christian Scientist, p. 23 . . . Christ's command: "Be ye therefore perfect, " [means] "Be ye perfect now, this very moment. " Clara Clemens, Awake to a Perfect Day. My Experience with Christian ...
The first admirer was Todd Lemington. Todd was tall and lanky with a crop of wiry red hair. A friend of his came to me, saying, "Todd likes you, you know," which led me to carefully avoid eye contact with Todd from then on.
CHAPTER 9 IN WHOSE IMAGE ? 1. Steve Weizman , " Copenhagen Zoo Displays the Most Dangerous Animals , " 12 September 1996 , on - line Reuters North American Wire . 2. Ibid . 3. Mike Samuels and Nancy Samuels , as quoted in NOTES 187.
This volume provides the first printed critical edition of The Praise of Musicke (1586), keeping the original text intact and accompanied by an analytical commentary.
George Eliot [ Mary Ann Evans ) , Silas Marner : The Weaver of Raveloe ( New York : Books Inc. , n . d . ) , 26-35 . 7. Hengel , Property and Riches , 24 . 8. Ibid . , 77 . 9. Ibid . , 43. See also Joseph F. Fletcher , ed .
Skeptics eventually took over Plato's Academy and ended up teaching that no true knowledge of anything was possible. Thus no absolute morals were possible. This is the logical conclusion of all philosophic systems that begin with the ...
Judge for Yourself; a Workbook on Contemporary Challenges to Christian Faith