Authoritative guidance is provided in this detailed analysis of local and federal cases and statutes covering: employment contracts, wages, hours and overtime, employee safety and health, immigration issues, pension, health and welfare benefits, privacy issues, FMLA, wrongful discharge, constructive discharge, sexual harassment and disability, race, sex and age discrimination.
Cardegna, a non-employment case, the plaintiffs alleged that their contracts with the defendant check-cashing ... because to enforce the arbitration agreement in a potentially void contract would be against Florida law and public ...
Maslanka's Texas Field Guide to Employment Law
Texas Employment Law: The Guide for Plaintiffs & Defendants
Use them as templates, and save valuable time researching and drafting. This soft cover book contains a printed version of each form and a CD of forms in Word, allowing for easy drafting and editing.
Texas Employment Law R17
Texas Employment Law Desk Reference
Aspen Publishers' Employer's Guide Series is made up of authoritative and comprehensive employment law manuals, each an informative resource for business owners, managers, and human resource professionals.
Maslanka's Texas Field Guide to Employment Law: FLSA, FMLA, ADA, Texas Labor Code -- 2016
Aspen Publishers' Employer's Guide Series is made up of authoritative and comprehensive employment law manuals, each an informative resource for business owners, managers, and human resource professionals.
Employment in Texas: A Guide to Employment Laws, Regulations, and Practices