Join Steven Stehle on his journey of tragedy and triumph, deepest sorrow and inexplicable joy as he travels the road from the gay male lifestyle back into the loving arms of the Father. The son of a Pastor, Steven had a target painted on him by the enemy from a very young age. Relentlessly, sexual demons pursued him, eventually enticing him into the LGBTQ life, along with its drinking, drugs and debauchery. But God! How rich is He in His mercy! Jesus reached down into the muck and the mire of this pit of perversion, delivering Steven out of death and back into His marvelous light. This is his story of God's never-ending love and mercy, from slavery to salvation, hate to hope and ultimately God's promises fulfilled of deliverance from evil. If you or someone you know is struggling with the bondage of sexual perversion, especially homosexuality and LGBTQ, this book is for you! Steven is incredibly transparent about his struggles in life - without too much detail - the decisions he made for good and for evil, and how great is the Father's love for us. This book will wrench your heart, bring you to tears and make you cheer! It will give you incredible insight into the life and mind of homosexuality - its allure, its chains and the narcissist personality. Yet, Steven shows us that all the while, there is an open door waiting for the captive to break free and walk through...straight into the arms of Jesus.
In 1890, Cecil John Rhodes, the gold-hunting leader of the British South Africa Company (BSAC), occupied northern Zimbabwe accompanied by a private army. When very little gold materialized and the sale of land and agriculture proved ...
And this is to say nothing of the ongoing trauma wrought by AIDS, which is all too often relegated to history.
Sex is at the core of our identities. And when it becomes a compulsion, it can unravel our lives. Out of the Shadows is the premier work on this disorder, written by a pioneer in its treatment.
With art inspired by Reiniger’s cut-paper style and a text that uses a fairytale motif that mimics her movies, Out of the Shadows is a sweeping tribute to one of most important figures of animation, whose influence still resonates today.
Out of the Shadows is a gripping, heartbreaking and eye-opening journey deep into the underworld of human trafficking and the sex trade, told in riveting detail by one brave survivor.
Out of the Shadows explores the most celebrated examples of film noir such as Laura, The Maltese Falcon, and Sunset Boulevard but also offers new insight into underrated films that deserve reconsideration, including Spellbound, A Double ...
Publisher description
An anniversary edition of the first full study of Mexican American women in the twentieth century, with new preface
"Powerful. . . . The crisis [Torrey] delineates should stir any halfway sensitive human being to anger."--The New York Times Book Review "Brilliant and remarkably detailed. . . ....
The Place and Mission of Woman: An Inspirational Discourse. Boston: Hubbard W. Swett, 1859. ——— [Published as Emma Hardinge]. Six Lectures on Theology and Nature, n.p., 1860. ——— [Published as Emma Hardinge]. The Wildfire Club.