Renew: A Missional Movement for the None, Done, and Undone: A DIY Manual for Kingdom Expansion

Renew: A Missional Movement for the None, Done, and Undone: A DIY Manual for Kingdom Expansion
Outreach, Incorporated (DBA Equip Press)
Robert Butler


The RENEW idea was born out of this experience, our reluctance to accept the status quo and the understanding that the American institutional church of our fathers is crumbling. While we admit some church expressions are thriving, many are only the result of transfer growth of those who are discontent. While the 'cool' factor may bring them in, we know there's not a fog machine, a strobe light, a celebrity pastor or a worship band that can reverse the decline. The time has come for a wholesale change. The group we believe has done the greatest investigation and learned the most through practical application is the Forge Network. Michael Frost, Alan Hirsh, Lance Ford, and Hugh Halter have been championing movement to extend God's Kingdom and reign through solid orthodoxy, proxy and pathy. The American culture has made it clear to those gathering on Sunday: The good news is only good if you are willing to proclaim it and live it daily. Forge provides a host of residencies and training across the world. RENEW is a missional expression in a great sea of expressions to authentically reach, teach and create true followers of Jesus. Anything less taints the message and enforces the American Christian hypocrite stigma. RENEW encompasses the best of all great expressions and heralds back to the original movement of Jesus. We are part of the larger movement seeking to discover a life worth living which truly offers a foretaste of heaven. We are focused on reaching the "none, done and undone" in every context. The "nones" are those individuals with no religious context, the "dones" are those individuals who have been in the belly of the current American church and "undone" are those who have all but checked out of this life because of what they have or are currently enduring. The following fifty-two chapters are the discussion primers. They represent an effort to synthesize orthodox theology with cultural conundrums to help individuals and groups become more thoughtful in the practice of the Christian faith. We believe all the topics lead the group to a more orthodox understanding of Jesus. We subscribe to the Christian theological mainstream. Our book is meant to be read, wrestled with and discussed. We suggest this book be a group project with multiple levels of spiritual maturity present during the discussion. Our first RENEW group consisted of over fifty individuals. We are now in the second year of meeting together on weekday evenings. We have seen all types of people and viewpoints. We have laughed, cried, argued and even agreed to disagree. The process has been life giving.

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