We all want our children to reach their fullest potential—to be smart and well adjusted, and to make a difference in the world. We wonder why, for some people, success seems to come so naturally. Could the secret be how they were parented? This book unveils how parenting helped shape some of the most fascinating people you will ever encounter, by doing things that almost any parent can do. You don't have to be wealthy or influential to ensure your child reaches their greatest potential. What you do need is commitment—and the strategies outlined in this book. In The Formula: Unlocking the Secrets to Raising Highly Successful Children, Harvard economist Ronald Ferguson, named in a New York Times profile as the foremost expert on the US educational "achievement gap," along with award-winning journalist Tatsha Robertson, reveal an intriguing blueprint for helping children from all types of backgrounds become successful adults. Informed by hundreds of interviews, the book includes never-before-published insights from the "How I was Parented Project" at Harvard University, which draws on the varying life experiences of 120 Harvard students. Ferguson and Robertson have isolated a pattern with eight roles of the "Master Parent" that make up the Formula: the Early Learning Partner, the Flight Engineer, the Fixer, the Revealer, the Philosopher, the Model, the Negotiator, and the GPS Navigational Voice. The Formula combines the latest scientific research on child development, learning, and brain growth and illustrates with life stories of extraordinary individuals—from the Harvard-educated Ghanian entrepreneur who, as the young child of a rural doctor, was welcomed in his father's secretive late-night political meetings; to the nation's youngest state-wide elected official, whose hardworking father taught him math and science during grueling days on the family farm in Kentucky; to the DREAMer immigration lawyer whose low-wage mother pawned her wedding ring to buy her academically outstanding child a special flute. The Formula reveals strategies on how you—regardless of race, class, or background—can help your children become the best they can be and shows ways to maximize their chances for happy and purposeful lives.
Einstein theory of relativity.” While the article is quick to note that Einstein “landed here as a member of a party of distinguished Jews,” it places about as much emphasis on the other arrivals as it does on Mrs. Einstein's response ...
Examines the world of algorithms, looking at what they are and how they are increasingly being used to solve problems and predict human behavior based on vast and ever-increasing amounts of available data.
The Formula's life story and life lessons are ajourney ofshared relationships and discovery. This memoir is an inspiring guide for young people trying to find their own formulafor happiness in today's world. —Sharna L.Striar, R.N., ...
Some Lutheran church bodies today look with pride upon the fact that they are committed to “believe, teach, and confess" in keeping with the Formula of Concord, a confession completed in 1577 and first published as part of The Boole of ...
Author's Note This book illustrates my poetic vision on the formulas in life through my Christian walk in faith . A sonneteer I am not . We are in the theaters - in - the - round or an arena of arenas . A transitional masterpiece , if ...
These can be additional details, strokes, secondary words, all kinds of stories, as well as sources. In general, any associative thinking can become our support. So, we make short logical formulas from the content, determine.
This book combines a rich description of the (Lutheran) Formula of Concord (1577) with experiences in today's Lutheran parishes to demonstrate how confessional texts may still come to life in modern Christian congregations.
Non-technical instructions for turning basic chemical compounds into personal care, animal care, garden, and household products.
Non-technical instructions for turning basic chemical compounds into personal care, animal care, garden, and household products.
The lobby was quiet , only a few tourists asking questions of a bellman . and a small man in a black chesterfield overcoat sitting at the rear of the lobby , reading a German newspaper . Barney walked up to the reception desk , gave the ...