Many senior public relations executives consider ethics counsel to be one of their core responsibilities. Raising ethical concerns to more senior leaders can be quite intimidating as “speaking truth to power” can have serious consequences for someone’s career, so senior public relations executives have mastered the art of using less confrontational strategies. This book ranks and describes these various strategies with specific examples of how public relations executives have used them. The insights are based on nearly 150 in-depth interviews as well as survey research. Learn about the process of gaining influence and the mistakes to avoid when navigating internal politics. Many of the lessons are applicable to public relations counsel generally.
McDonald, Michael [accessed 2 October 2003] Ethics and Conflict of Interest. 2. Kernaghan, Kenneth and Langford, John (1990) The Responsible Public Servant, Institute for Research on ...
Figure 9.1 Avoiding conflicts of interest Notes 1. McDonald , Michael ( accessed 2 October 2003 ] Ethics and Conflict of Interest . conflict.html 2. Kernaghan , Kenneth and Langford , John ( 1990 ) The ...
"This is an intelligent book about serious issues in public relations: accountability, responsibility, transparency, loyalty, truthtelling, and fairness. It should be required reading in boardrooms, in PR classrooms, and at the Pentagon.
This text highlights the delicate balance required to navigate the values and demands implicit to the field of public relations and those that underlie society as a whole.
In other words, saying, “In my opinion, Jane Smith is an embezzler,” does not make the statement an opinion.30 It can still be proved false. Two categories of statements are protected by the First Amendment opinion defense: • vague ...
In this rapidly changing communications environment, the long-term implications of social media are uncertain, and this book provides the much needed research to understand its impact on audiences and organizations.
Ethics in Public Relations: Responsible Advocacy is the first book to identify universal principles of responsible advocacy in public relations.
This thought-provoking book will be essential reading for students, academics and professionals with an interest in public relations, ethics and professionalism.
... actually responds to stimuli like that. When I see someone going down this path of fear mongering, I know right away their number one priority is not actually protecting people. It's not all sunshine and rainbows, but you need.
This is on the one hand due to the growing professionalization and institutionalization of PR, on the other hand stories of PR practitioners violating existing moral conceptions by deliberately lying to the public have been all over the ...